Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Your life's testimony

Thy testimonies have I taken as an heritage forever; for they are the rejoicing of my heart.  Psa. 119:111

When a father dies his children are his natural heirs.  Absent a will to the contrary, his children will receive what he leaves behind.   We often think of an inheritance as money or property.  But the most important thing a father can leave his children is a good testimony.

Today, I remember my father.  He died on April 5, 1969.  Daddy was very sick and in bed.  That morning he listened to the preaching on WHNE 1170.  Uncle Broughton came in just as the service ended.   I remember daddy looking up with tears in his eyes and telling Broughton, “I love the gospel.”  My father was not a wealthy man in natural things, but I rejoice in the testimony he left behind.

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