Saturday, April 22, 2017

Not alone

Yet I have left me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal. 1 Kings: 19:18

Elijah had stood boldly for the Lord on Mount Carmel and God had answered by fire.  When his life was threatened by Queen Jezebel, he had ran like a scared rabbit into the wilderness.  Now, he sat in a cave, alone, depressed and believing he was the only person left who loved the Lord.  The Lord passed by and told him to get up and go, there were seven thousand others who remained faithful.

Have you ever felt alone?  Satan loves to isolate us from other believers.  He tempted Eve when she was alone.   Feeling alone, Elijah had given up.  But God reminded Elijah we are never alone.  God will place friends in our lives who will strengthen our faith.  God will never leave us without the witness of His presence and the presence of other believers.

Get up and go, you are not alone!


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