Monday, April 10, 2017

A simple task

And the disciples went, and did as Jesus commanded them. Matt. 21:6
Jesus entered Jerusalem to the shouts and praise of the multitude. Riding in on a borrowed donkey, He fulfilled the prophecy made by Zechariah some 500 years earlier. It is a day still marked on our calendars as Palm Sunday. The obedience of two disciples played a key role. Jesus needed a donkey and he sent two disciples to borrow one.
God’s purposes are accomplished through our obedience; most often, it is not through some “great” thing we see others do, but in the simple things God may ask of us. Fetching a donkey is a pretty mundane task. Yet the obedience of the disciples allowed Jesus to fulfill God’s purpose on that day. 

What simple thing might God ask of us today??

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