Thursday, May 17, 2018


Honor is always preceded by humility, this is a biblical concept. Consider the parable of Luke 14:7-14. Jesus said to choose the lowest seat in the room-literally, assume a position that will not draw attention to yourself. Choose the inconspicuous seat, and you’ll discover an invitation to sit in higher places. Christ said, “Then shalt thou have worship in the presence of them that sit at meat with thee. For whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.”
Our culture has it backwards. We barge in with our self-proclaimed greatness and take the best seat in the house in an effort to be noticed, recognized, and commended. This was not the approach of the Savior. Christ discreetly came into the world, lived for thirty years as a blue-collar carpenter, chose unlearned and ignorant men, and had no place to lay his head. He could have established His kingdom, announced His glory, and demanded humanity to bow in worship. Instead He chose suffering, a cross, mockery, and shame.
As a result, He was elevated to the highest seat in the heavens. He is forever recognized as the potentate King of the Ages. But His seat of glory was cushioned with the fabric of humility. His omniscient title was first carved into a wooden plaque upon a timber of crucifixion.
His honor was birthed out of service. Ours should be no different.
Rev. KK

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