Sunday, March 26, 2017

We will serve the Lord - DB

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15

  I have always loved sports.  I loved to play them.  I loved to watch my kids and others participate.  Athletics help build strong bodies, focused minds and community spirit.  I also love the Lord.

 I love to see young families in Sunday School and Church.  There, children learn how precious we all are to God; how we are to love others and ourselves; and how to find peace with God through Jesus Christ.

   Parents should not be placed in a position where they have to choose between their children playing sports or attending Church on Sunday morning.  Yet they are.  Sports are great.  Jesus is Greater.  Our choices influence our children and teach them what is important.

When you have to choose, choose Jesus.

Thank you for your prayers we are home.


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