Friday, March 24, 2017

Go and tell - SL

Go and Tell

As always, I have to start over and over. I have been busy with family, work, church and life in general. Recently, on a suggestion from a friend, I began limiting my time on social media, namely Facebook.

It seems that everyone, no matter what side of the street they are on, are at a point where no one is listening to anyone and if “your opinion doesn’t agree with my opinion” occurs, arguments ensue and no one’s mind is changed. I still read a lot, just not as much from social media. Tell me what your family is doing, what achievements you have reached, what your dog (maybe even cat) is doing and so on, and I am good. After that, it seems that it isn’t as much to educate or inspire but rather to disrupt and discourage.
That said, this is the thought that I am drawing from today.

And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here I am! Send me.” (Isaiah 6:8 ESV)
The idea that God, holy and almighty, would continue to use humans to carry His message is still beyond my comprehension. However, that is what Jesus called us to do. Go and tell, make disciples, teach and know that we are doing so under His authority. We have been given His Word and His mandate. So for me, it is time to return to this and focus on what God has set before me.
What will I be writing? Whatever God lays on my heart. There is a world that still needs to know Him and the saving power of His Son, Jesus. The thought that has been racing through my mind is that I need to move from fearful to fearless to relentless, knowing that my future is secure in Jesus.
So let us “go and tell” in His Name.

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