Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Trials - DN

I am thankful when God speaks To my heart.
Some truths spoken to my heart this morning.
I Peter 4:12
Think it not strange concerning the fiery trial
The mind can rack havoc when it comes
Peter here is admonishing these weary, suffering believers to watch their minds.
Think it not!
Trials are God's way of
1. Preparing us:
What school did David attend that equipped him for the ministry he had upon the harp and song; a ministry of comfort and hope?
It was trials and persecution!
Trials that attacked and opposed the hope and faith he had in God.
Trials that moved him to call out to the God of Heaven, knowing that God hears his cries!
Trials that brought an answer which ignited the songs he penned!
Have you ever thought for every sorrow was a song?
Been said, If Gods desire is to enlarge your capacity for spiritual understanding do not be afraid of the greater realm of suffering that awaits you.
2. Participating with us: (fellowshipping )
Partaker - One who has or takes a part, share or portion in common with others; a sharer; a participator; an affiliate or an associate.
Simeon is such an illustration of this.
As he was compelled to bear the cross, you did not see one without the other!
I've had the Lord speak to my heart with these words, I know how you feel...
3. Protecting us:
The children of Israel were led a longer way through the wilderness, because of the dangers that lurked.
What seemingly was a curse and misfortune actually was a blessing from God.
Rev DN

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