Tuesday, March 28, 2017

To face the giant - TC

  What motivated this boy with character to face a giant? 1 Samuel 17:25-29

David was just a young man when he first heard Goliath  spewing out blaspheme against God.  David appeared to be the only man in the camp that was touched to his soul with the cursing of Israel by this hateful warrior.  But there was more than just being  incensed by his mockery.
The Name, the Glory, the purpose of God in Israel was vital to David.  His life was in the God of his salvation and God’s cause in Israel was HIs cause too.  It is encouraging to see a new generation taking our military  and our public service positions in America with courage and purpose
It is great to see young people surrendering their lives to help others in ministry, missions, teaching, pastoring churches, and etc…

Every person needs a cause to live, and a purpose to carry on.  Even more important is that every person needs a Spiritual cause to live out in this world where evil is present and powerful.

Stop and consider your life, and what God has done for you at Calvary.  He gave His own Son, Jesus to die on the cross to pay for your sins, and even greater to defeat the curse of sin on this world. Christ who arose victorious over the grave broke the grip of death upon the soul of man so that he could believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, the Captain of our Salvation, and though Him we can live forever.  Is there not a cause?

Satan is working like a Giant instilling fear, failure and death in this world.  But we have the cause of the Gospel, preaching the good news that Jesus Saves and offers hope to all who will look to Him and Live.  Get involved today and spreading the Hope of Christ like a light in your part of our world and take up the cause for others,

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