Friday, March 24, 2017

Our walk with God - DB

And Enoch walked with God ... Gen. 5:24

    Enoch was in the 7th generation of man.  After the birth of his first son, he walked with God for 300 years.  One day he went for a walk and God took him into his eternal presence.  Enoch is one of two men in the Bible who did not taste death. He is listed in Hebrews 11 among the heroes of faith.  Before his translation, he had this testimony, "that he pleased God."

 Sandra and I decided to take a walk this morning.  Walking requires some effort on our part.  It required us to agree on the course and direction we would take.  It allowed us time to hold hands and enjoy God's beautiful creation and each other's company.  So it is when we walk with God.  The effort and submission required on our part, is well worth the joy of walking hand in hand with our Creator.  God is waiting.

Will you walk with Him today?


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