Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Preach the gospel - DB

So, as much as in me is, I am ready to preach the gospel to you that are in Rome also.  Rom. 1:15

        Paul knew the message of Jesus Christ could change lives.  It had changed his.  He had a passion to share Jesus with others and traveled tirelessly from place to place.  In writing the Christians who lived in Rome, Paul expressed his heartfelt desire to visit Rome and share the gospel with them.

        If Paul were alive today, I believe he would use every means available to him to tell others about Jesus.  Given the opportunity, I believe Paul would have used social media and the internet to spread the gospel to as many people as possible. By whatever means God directs, let us share Jesus with our world.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

To face the giant - TC

  What motivated this boy with character to face a giant? 1 Samuel 17:25-29

David was just a young man when he first heard Goliath  spewing out blaspheme against God.  David appeared to be the only man in the camp that was touched to his soul with the cursing of Israel by this hateful warrior.  But there was more than just being  incensed by his mockery.
The Name, the Glory, the purpose of God in Israel was vital to David.  His life was in the God of his salvation and God’s cause in Israel was HIs cause too.  It is encouraging to see a new generation taking our military  and our public service positions in America with courage and purpose
It is great to see young people surrendering their lives to help others in ministry, missions, teaching, pastoring churches, and etc…

Every person needs a cause to live, and a purpose to carry on.  Even more important is that every person needs a Spiritual cause to live out in this world where evil is present and powerful.

Stop and consider your life, and what God has done for you at Calvary.  He gave His own Son, Jesus to die on the cross to pay for your sins, and even greater to defeat the curse of sin on this world. Christ who arose victorious over the grave broke the grip of death upon the soul of man so that he could believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, the Captain of our Salvation, and though Him we can live forever.  Is there not a cause?

Satan is working like a Giant instilling fear, failure and death in this world.  But we have the cause of the Gospel, preaching the good news that Jesus Saves and offers hope to all who will look to Him and Live.  Get involved today and spreading the Hope of Christ like a light in your part of our world and take up the cause for others,

Monday, March 27, 2017

Remember when - SB


Hebrews 10:32-33 (KJV)
32  But call to remembrance the former days, in which, after ye were illuminated, ye endured a great fight of afflictions;
Hebrews 10:33 (KJV)
33  Partly, whilst ye were made a gazingstock both by reproaches and afflictions; and partly, whilst ye became companions of them that were so used.


1. Saved was Changed
2. Sunday was Church
3. Service was Committment
4. Separation was Consecration
5. Sermons were Cutting
6. Shouting was Common
7. Soulwinning was Crucial


Special and loved - DB

Now there was leaning on Jesus bosom one of his disciples, whom Jesus loved. John 13:23

   Five times in the Gospel of John, John refers to himself as the disciple “whom Jesus loved.”  It reminds me of a friend who was convinced he was the Lord’s favorite.  No matter how many times I told him Jesus loves everyone, he just smiled and said I know, but I’m his favorite.  That is how Jesus makes us feel – special and loved.

   John was the beloved disciple.  My friend was his favorite.  And so are you.  And so am I.  Jesus would have gone to the cross and died for your sins if you had been the only person who needed a Savior.  He would have done the same for me.

To know Jesus as your Lord and Savior is to know His love and how special you are to Him.


Sunday, March 26, 2017

We will serve the Lord - DB

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15

  I have always loved sports.  I loved to play them.  I loved to watch my kids and others participate.  Athletics help build strong bodies, focused minds and community spirit.  I also love the Lord.

 I love to see young families in Sunday School and Church.  There, children learn how precious we all are to God; how we are to love others and ourselves; and how to find peace with God through Jesus Christ.

   Parents should not be placed in a position where they have to choose between their children playing sports or attending Church on Sunday morning.  Yet they are.  Sports are great.  Jesus is Greater.  Our choices influence our children and teach them what is important.

When you have to choose, choose Jesus.

Thank you for your prayers we are home.


Saturday, March 25, 2017

John the Baptist - DB

In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judea. Matt. 3:1

    Sometimes we think of Bible heroes, like John, to be different from ourselves - superior in some way.  John had been called by God to prepare the way for Christ.   He had been sent into the wilderness to preach, “Repent ye, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”  He had been commanded to baptize those who repented of their sins.  These things John had been called to do and he did.  As to everything else, the Bible suggests he was like the rest of us, walking by faith.

     John had limited knowledge.  John 1: 33 tells us John did not know the identity of the Messiah until the Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus at His baptism.   John had doubts.  While in prison, John sent his disciples to ask Jesus if He was the Messiah.  Like us, John was human.   What separates John from me many times is not some special revelation he received from God, but his obedience to that which God had shown him.


Your salvation is ABC - CB

FOR A DEAR FRIEND: Being saved according to the Bible is as easy as A B C.

Acknowledge that you are a sinner. "Lord I am a sinner and need to be saved."

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior. Yes, I believe that Jesus died on the cross and paid my sin debt because He loves me.

Call upon the Lord to save you. Lord, be merciful to me a sinner and saved me for Jesus sake. The thief on the cross said, "Remember me when thou comest into thy Kingdom."

Jesus said to the thief as he hung upon the cross, "Today shalt thou be with me in paradise."

Please let me know.


Friday, March 24, 2017

Our walk with God - DB

And Enoch walked with God ... Gen. 5:24

    Enoch was in the 7th generation of man.  After the birth of his first son, he walked with God for 300 years.  One day he went for a walk and God took him into his eternal presence.  Enoch is one of two men in the Bible who did not taste death. He is listed in Hebrews 11 among the heroes of faith.  Before his translation, he had this testimony, "that he pleased God."

 Sandra and I decided to take a walk this morning.  Walking requires some effort on our part.  It required us to agree on the course and direction we would take.  It allowed us time to hold hands and enjoy God's beautiful creation and each other's company.  So it is when we walk with God.  The effort and submission required on our part, is well worth the joy of walking hand in hand with our Creator.  God is waiting.

Will you walk with Him today?


Go and tell - SL

Go and Tell

As always, I have to start over and over. I have been busy with family, work, church and life in general. Recently, on a suggestion from a friend, I began limiting my time on social media, namely Facebook.

It seems that everyone, no matter what side of the street they are on, are at a point where no one is listening to anyone and if “your opinion doesn’t agree with my opinion” occurs, arguments ensue and no one’s mind is changed. I still read a lot, just not as much from social media. Tell me what your family is doing, what achievements you have reached, what your dog (maybe even cat) is doing and so on, and I am good. After that, it seems that it isn’t as much to educate or inspire but rather to disrupt and discourage.
That said, this is the thought that I am drawing from today.

And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here I am! Send me.” (Isaiah 6:8 ESV)
The idea that God, holy and almighty, would continue to use humans to carry His message is still beyond my comprehension. However, that is what Jesus called us to do. Go and tell, make disciples, teach and know that we are doing so under His authority. We have been given His Word and His mandate. So for me, it is time to return to this and focus on what God has set before me.
What will I be writing? Whatever God lays on my heart. There is a world that still needs to know Him and the saving power of His Son, Jesus. The thought that has been racing through my mind is that I need to move from fearful to fearless to relentless, knowing that my future is secure in Jesus.
So let us “go and tell” in His Name.

Committed Paul - TC

Devotion: 2 Timothy 1:1-12

"for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day"

How was Paul committed to the Testimony for our Lord? 

The Apostle Paul cultivated in Timothy things that he had in his own life that were the essentials of the ministry of Christ.  Commitment is one of those essentials.  

Paul said that commitment is not afraid, but powerful, with passionate in the Love of Christ and knows how to think clearly with Biblical vision by the work of the Spirit of God. commitment is not ashamed even when tried and tested. 

It stands under pressure and adversity easily. Satan’s work of attrition is fruitless on a committed saint.  When he is week, then he is strong.  Commitment is not aimless living.  It is filled with calling and purpose that draws one with ambition and excitement about being a part of God’s Work.  That is all because our commitment is not to works, outcomes, people, personal gain, or worldly visions.

Real commitment is in Christ who is the author and finisher of our faith.  

Long after our body is weak with age and wear, and all the resources of our life are exhausted, It is and will be Christ who will live in us and do though us the greatest things of our lifetime for His Glory.


An outline of the Apostle Peter -DS

Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ, to them that have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our Savior Jesus Christ. 2Pet.1:1

I read this verse this week, actually listened to it being read to me from my bible App on my cell phone.  But the verse jump out at me and touch my heart and mind.

It’s almost like a review of the Apostle Peter’s life. First, the bible says here, “Simon”. My mind’s vision went back to the apostle’s life before he met Christ. Simon the fisherman, he was that common man with a common trade, all of a man and all so human.  Yet the Good Lord chose Simon.  (He could choose you too)

Second, “Peter” from the Greek word “Petras” which means stone or pebble, the Lord would need a stone or rock to cornerstone his disciples, the twelve’s leader and many time spokesman was Peter. He would prove to be a good one, although he was up and down, he’s a great type of a Christian and what a Christian could be for the Lord.

Thirdly, “a servant” for it was that part of his life when he began to follow Christ after the call from the Lord; Jesus said I will make you fishers of men, literally “catchers of men”. At the time when Simon Peter started following the Lord in service and in studying for the Lord would teach these men His words, His ways and His wisdom. Yes a great time of Peter’s life. I cannot fail to mentioned servant as meaning  “bond- slave or bond servant ” as it is almost a given idea  here and has its place, but for me, he became that student servant, learning and leaning on the Lord. (well, much could be said here)

Then fourthly, “an apostle of Jesus Christ”, the word apostle means one sent with a message. But Peter had a mission and a mandate too. In the Book of Acts, Dr. Luke tells of the events of disciple, now apostle Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, as his source and power, going out and preaching on the Day of Pentecost, healing and helping those on this path, Acts 1-11 speaks of Peter and 12- 28 speaks of the apostle Paul.

Peter would later write First and Second Peter and these writing we find in the bible today. 

And so that first statement in 2 Peter 1:1 serves as a short outline of the Apostle Peter’s life, as least, that’s what came to my heart and mind.  How does God’s word touch you?? How does it move you??

As Jesus called Simon Peter, a common man with a common plan, and HE, Jesus is calling you today.  Will answer the call of salvation ?? What will you say ?? How will you answer??

The bible says for whosoever shall call in the name of the Lord shall be saved, for with the heart, man believes and with mouth confession is made to others, you MUST be born again!!
(just thinking, we see his past, present, path and plight)

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Whom shall we go?? -DB

Lord, to whom shall we go?

Thou hast the words of eternal life. And we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ the Son of the living God.  John 6:68-69

    In this passage, Jesus had just shared a very difficult message for the people to hear.  Many turned away and followed him no more.  When faced with his claim to be the Son of God and the only way of salvation, many people today turn away in favor of a more politically correct message.  In so doing, they abandon their only hope for eternal life.

   But not Peter.  When Jesus ask his disciples if they too would go away, Peter responded in faith. The old hymn says, “Where could I go, oh where could I go, seeking a refuge for my soul? Needing a friend to save me in the end, Oh where ccould I go, but to the Lord?”  There are some things that can only be found in Jesus.   I want to be like Peter – confident in knowing who Jesus is and what He has done in my life.

I believe God - DN

I Believe God

Acts 27:25
There is such a need in this hour to believe God.

2 Chronicles 20:20 Believe in the LORD your God, so shall ye be
established: believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper.  My, what a promise!                                                                
The Need is seen in our
My trust is still in God in spite of this political correct but spiritual wrong society.

Let it be said, I believe God when it comes to:
 I.  Salvation:
As to Salvations
1. Reason: Romans 3:23
• Sinners are under Condemnation: John 3:17,18
• Sinners have the  wrath of God Abiding: John 3:36
2. Route: Romans 10:13
3. Results: 2 Corinthians 5:17
Salvation brings about a newness in a person's life.
A new record, a new relationship, and new resources.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

stay the course - DN

When you need a word the most, what does the Lord do?
He sends you a word!
My word this morning, Hebrews 10:28
Now the just shall live by Faith. (The Practice )
But if any man draw back ( The Possibility )
My soul shall have no pleasure in him. (The Promise )
I do not want to be found in these latter days drawing back!
May the Lord help us to stay the course!
When I cannot feel the faith of assurance, I live by the fact of God's faithfulness. Matthew Henry
Pray for me that I will not draw back!
Rev DN

Keeping it safe - DN

I asked the Lord this morning for a word regarding this season in my life and I wanted to pass it on to you.
Matthew 2:13.   And when they were departed, behold, the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and be thou there until I bring thee word: for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.
Keeping it Safe
So much is at stake today when it comes to raising the family or in this situation before us being used of God.
In Gods service, God has a plan.
It's worthy to note that after the glory and excitement of the Divine visitation, look who shows their face. It's none other than the adversary himself, the serpent.

In keeping it safe one better:
I. Listen: the angel of the Lord appeareth ... Saying
You can not put a value or price on a timely word from the Lord.
Sometime it will demand a complete change.

II. Linger: be thou there until
I've discovered in God's leading, many times it's not movement and work that He's after and desires, but WAITING.
Psalms 27:14 Wait on the Lord: be of good courage and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait I say on the Lord.
An old preacher said to me one time, before you ever stand for the Lord you will have to sit with Him.

III. Let God Handle it: Until I bring thee word...
1. He has your best interest at heart:
2. He sees what you don't ! 
( for Herod will seek .... To destroy it!!!
I'll stay where You've put me; I will, dear Lord;
    I'll bear the day's burden and heat,
Always trustingYou fully; when sunset has come
    I'll lay stalks of grain at Your feet.
And then, when my earth work is ended and done,
    In the light of eternity's glow,
Life's record all closed, I surely will find
    It was better to stay than to go;
        I'll stay where You've put me. (Selected)
Rev DN

Trials - DN

I am thankful when God speaks To my heart.
Some truths spoken to my heart this morning.
I Peter 4:12
Think it not strange concerning the fiery trial
The mind can rack havoc when it comes
Peter here is admonishing these weary, suffering believers to watch their minds.
Think it not!
Trials are God's way of
1. Preparing us:
What school did David attend that equipped him for the ministry he had upon the harp and song; a ministry of comfort and hope?
It was trials and persecution!
Trials that attacked and opposed the hope and faith he had in God.
Trials that moved him to call out to the God of Heaven, knowing that God hears his cries!
Trials that brought an answer which ignited the songs he penned!
Have you ever thought for every sorrow was a song?
Been said, If Gods desire is to enlarge your capacity for spiritual understanding do not be afraid of the greater realm of suffering that awaits you.
2. Participating with us: (fellowshipping )
Partaker - One who has or takes a part, share or portion in common with others; a sharer; a participator; an affiliate or an associate.
Simeon is such an illustration of this.
As he was compelled to bear the cross, you did not see one without the other!
I've had the Lord speak to my heart with these words, I know how you feel...
3. Protecting us:
The children of Israel were led a longer way through the wilderness, because of the dangers that lurked.
What seemingly was a curse and misfortune actually was a blessing from God.
Rev DN

Anger - DB

For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.  James 1:20  

   Anger is an emotion common to all of us.  I feel anger when I see a child mistreated or a young life destroyed by sin.  In many cases, anger is a response to the mistreatment of those things we love.  The Bible says to be angry and sin not.  Anger can motivate us to take positive steps to help others.

    Anger can also destroy us and those we love.  In this verse, James warns us about the destructive nature of anger.  Words spoken in anger can cause great harm to ourselves and others.  Anger allowed to fester is like a cancer in our spirit.  Only in forgiveness can our spirit find peace.  Only with God’s help can we forgive those who trespass against us.
Rev DB

fishers of men - DB

And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.  Matt. 4:19

    Peter, James, Andrew and John were fishermen.  Their callous hands and sun baked skin gave them away.   They were men, a little rough around the edges.  But Jesus looked into their hearts and he invited them to lay down their nets, follow him and he would make them fishers of men.

    During their time with Jesus, these men proved to be slow to learn, filled with selfish pride and fearful.  Just like me.  Yet, God transformed them into fishers of men.  On the day of Pentecost, these ignorant and unlearned fishermen stood boldly and three thousand souls were captured in the gospel net.  Jesus calls each of us to follow him and he will make us fishers of men.
Rev DB

For with God nothing shall be impossible - DB

For with God nothing shall be impossible.  Luke 1:37

    The angel came with a message from God.  She was to give birth to a son.  Impossible, she thought, for she had not been with man.  But that which is impossible for us, is possible with God.  Mary trusted and submitted to the word of God and she became the mother of Jesus.

   The Spirit of God speaks to us.  The Bible makes a promise.  Impossible, we think.  But if we trust and submit to the Word of God, He will accomplish that which He promised.   Whatever God has spoken into your life, He is able to accomplish if we only believe.
Rev DB

Welcome to Preacher of our Faith

Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ, to them that have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ: 2 Peter 1:1

Preachers of our faith is a place to glean, grow and get encouragement.

God Bless you !!
