Thursday, February 7, 2019

Stop and Rejoice in Him - DN

Stop and Rejoice in Him
Psa 66:6 He turned the sea into dry land: they went through the flood on foot: there did we rejoice in him.
One will discover or should discover in this journey with God directing and leading the way, life doesn't have to be just perfect to rejoice in HIM. 
Paul admonishes us, Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice.
I) Power of God Manifested: ( He turned the sea into dry land )
Who turns the seas into dry ground ?
Seas represented here, unsurmountable odds. No chance of overcoming without God's divine involvement. 
It maybe a courtroom, a surgical ward or some other place where life has suddenly gotten out of our hands, where there is nothing we can do within ourselves.
II) People of God's Obedience: ( they went through the flood on foot )
They did not just sit down when they saw the sea crashing against the banks and spewing off its spray in their faces! They knew God wanted them on the other side. So, they watched God turn the seas into dry land and then moved on!
You ever find yourselves turning to go back because it seems impossible to continue in the way you are going. Only to find out you should have waited and watch God do the miraculous..
III) Praise of God Offered : there did we rejoice in HIM
God is always worthy of our praise. If you are undecided, you will not go wrong by praising HIM

Two things seem to stand out to me about this reaction.
First, they had a reason. They were living in divine deliverance. A place where God had showed himself strong!
Secondly, the place they were rejoicing. It was not on the banks of the river, or on the shores of the great sea, it was in the midst of this dried up sea where only moments ago was overcome with water.
You shouldn't have to have the circumstances to be just right to rejoice in him!!

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