Tuesday, February 19, 2019

He Healed Them All - TG

Musing Through Matthew He Healed Them All

Let us muse again today from Matthew 15:30-31 and the theme of Jesus the king.
In our text for today we find the truth of He healed  them all. Jesus was and still is the great magnet that draws sinners unto Himself. There is a great multitude that came of dumb, maimed, lamed and blind. Each one of these have a spiritual implication. When they saw His wonder working in their lives they glorified the God of Israel. The dumb could hear, the maimed were made whole, the lame could walk, and the blind could see. What an instrument of increasing the faith of those watching. Oh, how our faith is increased when we see sinners saved.

John said Jesus will not cast out any that come unto Him.

Rev TG

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