Tuesday, February 5, 2019

spirit of hurriness - DN

Trust it's a help to someone

Isa 52:12 For ye shall not go out with haste, nor go by flight: for the LORD will go before you; and the God of Israel will be your rereward.
Ye shall not go out with haste ....I see a picture here of someone who is in such a hurry to get something done, it didn't get done right. In response, they're commanded or directed to do it over but this time slow down, take your time and do it if right.
It seems like everyone is in a hurry!
I'll never forget hearing this many years ago as a young preacher.
It was said, the worlds motto is, hurry,worry, and burry.
I thought if that was so then, how much truer is it today.
There's a spirit of hurriness about us today.
In a hurry for their meal. It's a drive through fix, and by the way, after 14 years of evangelism I hate drive through's. (I had rather get a root canal! WELL ALMOST HAD RATHER GET A ROOT CANANL ) They never get it right! So you now have to wait, while they redo your order!
Parents in a hurry for their child to take that first step, say that first word etc. It's not until they are sitting at a graduation service or waiting and watching for that bride to come down that we wish we had taken more time ..
You may be sure that God will never say to us, "Stand still," "Sit still," or "Be still," unless He is going to do something.
So today, let's try to slow down, it might be the Lord just might,
Speak to Us - wouldn't you like to hear his voice? Have him to call your name?
Show US - David said, open thou my eyes, that I might behold wonderful things from thy law.

Our Heavenly Father can definitely show you some things!

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