Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Life has it's clouds - DN

Exo 16:10 And it came to pass, as Aaron spake unto the whole congregation of the children of Israel, that they looked toward the wilderness, and, behold, the glory of the LORD appeared in the cloud.
The song we sung when I was a youth is forever etched in my heart and mind. Not really knowing what I was singing about then, but fully comprehend it now in this season of my life. That song was, Unclouded Day
It stated,
O they tell me of a land far beyond the sky
O they tell me of a land far away
O they tell me of a home where no storm clouds rise O they tell me of an unclouded day.
O the land of cloudless day
O the land of an unclouded sky
O they tell of a home where no storm cloud rise
O they tell me of an unclouded day
Life has its clouds.
Notice in our text, a word about
1) The Darkness
Clouds are associated with storms and darkness, Sadness and fear. Discouragement and Depressed.
It's easy to be negative and not positive on a cloudy day.
Clouds Hinder - I have a friend that owned a plane, he said it's too cloudy for him to fly.
Clouds Hide - They can hide the Sun, stars, blue skies..
But here in this verse before us today, we find that clouds aren't all that bad.
2) The Decision: They Looked
When they looked, they saw the Glory of the Lord, appearing in the cloud.
There is glory to be found in the clouds.
You got to believe that clouds aren't all bad.
You ever limit your looking up on a cloudy day, because you felt there was nothing to see, because it's just grey dark clouds?
3) The Discovery: And there was the glory of the Lord
Don't give into the darkness and discouragements that hinder and deprive you of the blessings within the clouds.
I can alway feel it, when I give into the depressions and discouragements that howl at me, long before I give into it.
Ask God for a word, a promise. Seek him for some light in the midst of the clouds and darkness.
Keep singing, keep looking ....
One day in autumn, while on the open prairie, I saw an eagle mortally wounded by a rifle shot. With his eyes still gleaming like small circles of light, he slowly turned his head, giving one last searching and longing look toward the sky. He had often swept those starry spaces with his wonderful wings. The beautiful sky was the home of his heart. It was the eagle's domain. It was there he had displayed his splendid strength a thousand times. In those lofty heights, he had played with the lightning and raced the wind. And now, far below his home, the eagle lay dying. He faced death because—just once—he forgot and flew too low. (Borrowed)
Keep climbing higher, yea higher than the clouds,for you will see there's glory to be had.
Rev DN

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