Friday, April 19, 2019

How do I know?? SV

How do I know?
I just know that I know in the depths of my soul that Jesus - the son of God - lived, died, and was resurrected to save me from God's just punishment of my sinful nature, and restore me to God for a peaceful, joyful, love-filled eternity.
At best, at best, I am a two-steps-forward and one-step-backward follower of Jesus. But, He did not come to condemn me. He came to save me. And, when I consider that gift, I cannot help but be moved to emotion. Every single time.
I am not ashamed of the Gospel. I cannot be because the Gospel has saved me and though sin often discourages me, it does not rob me of my salvation.
Jesus came to save you as well. This side of heaven, you will never have all the answers or understand the supernatural nature of it all. You and I were born with God-sized holes in our hearts - only Jesus can fill them. That's what faith is all about - fully trusting in what you can't fully understand.
Rev SV

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