Thursday, April 25, 2019

The cross - DB

And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. Gal. 5:24
The cross is the symbol of Christianity. Whenever we see a cross it reminds us of the great sacrifice Jesus made for us and the victory of the resurrection.
It should also remind us that in Christ we have died to the love and practice of sin and have been raised to walk in a new life with Him. The cross should not only represent what Christ did, but who we are.

Rev. DB

Friday, April 19, 2019

How do I know?? SV

How do I know?
I just know that I know in the depths of my soul that Jesus - the son of God - lived, died, and was resurrected to save me from God's just punishment of my sinful nature, and restore me to God for a peaceful, joyful, love-filled eternity.
At best, at best, I am a two-steps-forward and one-step-backward follower of Jesus. But, He did not come to condemn me. He came to save me. And, when I consider that gift, I cannot help but be moved to emotion. Every single time.
I am not ashamed of the Gospel. I cannot be because the Gospel has saved me and though sin often discourages me, it does not rob me of my salvation.
Jesus came to save you as well. This side of heaven, you will never have all the answers or understand the supernatural nature of it all. You and I were born with God-sized holes in our hearts - only Jesus can fill them. That's what faith is all about - fully trusting in what you can't fully understand.
Rev SV

In Darkness - DB

And it was about the sixth hour, and there was a darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour. Luke 23:44
Normally, the sun shines its brightest at noonday. But this was not a normal day. Darkness covered the earth as its creator hung on a cross, suffered and died for the sins of mankind.
Even in the darkness, His identity could not be hidden. The centurion, charged to carry out His execution, acknowledged “Surely this was the Son of God!” The repentant thief turned to Him in faith. If they saw who He was in the darkness, surely we should recognize Him in the light of the resurrection.

Rev DB

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

The King is coming - DB

And as he went, they spread their clothes in the way. Luke 19:36
The King is coming! Excitement filled the streets of Jerusalem as Jesus came riding upon a colt. People took off their coats and took palm branches and laid them in the street before Him. Others shouted, “Blessed be the King that cometh in the name of the Lord.”
For centuries, Israel had waited for the Messiah and today He came. For centuries, Christians have waited for the return of Christ. One day He will come as He said. What a wonderful and glorious day when all of creation declares, “The King is coming!” Are you ready for that day??

Rev DB

Monday, April 15, 2019

He died for us - DB

For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. Ro. 5:6
We know from reading the scriptures the events that surrounded Jesus’ death. He was betrayed by His friends and falsely accused by His enemies. He was beaten, stripped and nailed to the cross. Between two thieves, He suffered the agony of crucifixion and death.
While it is important to know what happened, it is more important to know why Jesus died on the cross. He died for us. He took upon Himself our sins and paid the penalty for our transgressions. When we were unable to help ourselves, Christ died for us. His sacrifice is our salvation if only we believe.

Rev DB

Friday, April 12, 2019

Sweet or bitter water -DB

Doth a fountain send forth at the same place sweet water and bitter? James 3:11
There is nothing better than a good glass of water. From experience, we expect the water from our tap to be clean and refreshing. We would not expect it to be different each time we turn on the tap.
As with water, the words that come from our mouth should be clean and refreshing. As with a fountain, we would not expect the same source to produce cursing and blessing. Our words matter. They can build up or destroy. We can bless or curse. There have been times when I have done both. May God help us today to speak words of blessing. Someone you meet may need a refreshing drink of kindness.

Rev, DB

The Essence of the Spirit Filled Life - DN

The Essence of the Spirit Filled Life
And Jesus being fully of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan,and was led by the Spirit into the Wilderness, Luke 4:1 
If there was ever a missing element in the churches and in preachers today, it would be being Full of the Spirit. 
Being Spirit Filled is a Bible Doctrine
Being Spirit Filled is the Key to Service, to communion and to fellowship with the Saviour. 
Spirit Filled is such a neglected element in today's Christianity. 
It is having a great effect on the church,Christians and the world. 
In fact not much is Said today about it.
I remember hearing fiery messages about it as a young preacher that stirred a desire in my heart to be filled with the Spirit. 
The church today has learned how to do it without HIM, and this is a great indictment against modern day end time Christianity. 
Charisma and talent has taken the place of Holy Ghost Unction, and what's sad many fail to discern the difference. The difference can be seen. Holy Ghost unction and service is never at the expense of HOLINESS!
Here in Luke's Gospel we have the record of the temptation of Christ in the Wilderness. We find what I fill is the essence of the Spirit Filled Life;
1)He was Led by the Spirit: Luke 4:1
Spirit filled brings obedience and submission to the Spirit's bidding.
2) He was Tempted of the Devil: Luke 4:2-13
When a person has the fullness of the Spirit of God, he will experience great conflicts with the Tempter. God allows temptation because it does for us what storms do for oak trees, it roots us deeper.
Spurgeon stated, I willingly bear witness to the fact that I owe more to my Lord's fire, hammer, and file than to anything else in His workshop. Sometimes I wonder if I have ever learned anything except at the end of God's rod. When my classroom is darkest, I see best.
3)He was Ministered to from Heaven
Matthew 4:11 stated The devil leaveth him and behold, angels came and ministered unto Him.
4)He Returned in Great Power: Luke 4:14
5) There were Evidence: Luke 4:14b "there went out a fame" People knew and saw it. I had an old preacher tell me one time, a lot of preachers know the mechanics, but fail experiencing the manifestation of it. 
May we today hunger for it, receive it, and labor in it. Much depends upon it.
Rev. DN

Thursday, April 11, 2019

The Dark Times - DN

Mat 10:27 What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops.
The Dark Times
Three things I seem to get from tis good passage.
1) God has a Word:
He has something to say. It would do us all good to listen. 
At times it may be bold and loud.
Then there are times when it is in the stillness, he whispers in our ear. They are secrets that are for you and you alone. 
As God was getting Elijah's attention, he revealed unto the prophet, He wasn't in the fire, the earthquake, or the strong wind. HE was in the small still voice. If Elijah is not careful he would miss it.
2)God has a Place: in the dark (what I tell you in the dark)
God knows where we need to be for him to speak to us..
Moses it was on a Mountain Top:
Elijah it was by a Brook
Ezekiel it was in a Valley of Dry Bones
Paul was in a Desert
Here in our verse before us, it was Darkness 
We do not end up in these places by accident. 
I go out west some for meetings. People fail to see how big the sky is whose never been. In Georgia where I live, it's like looking up out of a box at the sky, but out there the sky is like a giant bed sheet that has been spread out before us. 
One year we had a meeting at a camp ground on top of a mountain. The campground's electricity and power was from a very large generator that ran until 10:00 at night and then it would shut down. 
I went outside the cabin I was staying in and looked up and to my wonder, the sky was lit up with thousands of stars. They were there all alone, but this place of darkness reveal them to me. 
In the dark when you can't see, look up to see the light, the glory of God if you please. It's there..
3) God has a Task: preach ye upon the housetops. 
What ye hear, preach it on the house top.. Don't keep it to yourself. Tell it!!!!
Someone needs to hear it. In fact, they just might be in a dark time in their life. 
What comfort it is to them to hear, that God speaks in these dark times.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Life has it's clouds - DN

Exo 16:10 And it came to pass, as Aaron spake unto the whole congregation of the children of Israel, that they looked toward the wilderness, and, behold, the glory of the LORD appeared in the cloud.
The song we sung when I was a youth is forever etched in my heart and mind. Not really knowing what I was singing about then, but fully comprehend it now in this season of my life. That song was, Unclouded Day
It stated,
O they tell me of a land far beyond the sky
O they tell me of a land far away
O they tell me of a home where no storm clouds rise O they tell me of an unclouded day.
O the land of cloudless day
O the land of an unclouded sky
O they tell of a home where no storm cloud rise
O they tell me of an unclouded day
Life has its clouds.
Notice in our text, a word about
1) The Darkness
Clouds are associated with storms and darkness, Sadness and fear. Discouragement and Depressed.
It's easy to be negative and not positive on a cloudy day.
Clouds Hinder - I have a friend that owned a plane, he said it's too cloudy for him to fly.
Clouds Hide - They can hide the Sun, stars, blue skies..
But here in this verse before us today, we find that clouds aren't all that bad.
2) The Decision: They Looked
When they looked, they saw the Glory of the Lord, appearing in the cloud.
There is glory to be found in the clouds.
You got to believe that clouds aren't all bad.
You ever limit your looking up on a cloudy day, because you felt there was nothing to see, because it's just grey dark clouds?
3) The Discovery: And there was the glory of the Lord
Don't give into the darkness and discouragements that hinder and deprive you of the blessings within the clouds.
I can alway feel it, when I give into the depressions and discouragements that howl at me, long before I give into it.
Ask God for a word, a promise. Seek him for some light in the midst of the clouds and darkness.
Keep singing, keep looking ....
One day in autumn, while on the open prairie, I saw an eagle mortally wounded by a rifle shot. With his eyes still gleaming like small circles of light, he slowly turned his head, giving one last searching and longing look toward the sky. He had often swept those starry spaces with his wonderful wings. The beautiful sky was the home of his heart. It was the eagle's domain. It was there he had displayed his splendid strength a thousand times. In those lofty heights, he had played with the lightning and raced the wind. And now, far below his home, the eagle lay dying. He faced death because—just once—he forgot and flew too low. (Borrowed)
Keep climbing higher, yea higher than the clouds,for you will see there's glory to be had.
Rev DN

Storms & Troubles - DN

Someone once asked, when was I going to stop talking about storms and troubles so much. I said when I quit going through them. 
I pray these small devotions are a blessing. 
I am grateful for God's grace and presence that brings me through. 
Taking Pleasures in the Bad Times
2 Cor 12:10
I) Paul's Purpose: for Christ Sake
Much hinges today on the reasons and purposes for our actions and ministries. 
Some labor for the crowds, those that operate for the crowns, they want to wear a crown so others can see the results. Our goal should be to labor for Christ sake. 
If what you are doing is not for Christ sake, when adversity and change come you will find a place to quit or be entwined with frustration and bitterness. There's nothing worse, than a person trying to minister whose frustrated and bitter. 
II) Paul's Pleasures: (The gratification of the senses or of the mind;)
Af first, this seems like a misprint. These elements Paul listed, infirmities,reproaches,persecution and distress, are not pleasurable, unless you make up your mind and take pleasure. It's what you make of it or take from them. 
Webster shines some light on the word take, he said it denotes:
In a general sense, to get hold or gain possession of a thing in almost any manner, either by receiving it when offered, or by using exertion to obtain it. 
Instead of these controlling him, he takes these and control them.
What a challenge before us. 
III) Paul's Power: When I am weak, then am I made strong...
Strength for the trials and testings come not from the person, but from God's provision. Never will you be brought into something, with out having the men's to get through it. 
This Power comes from God's Grace vs 9
This Power comes from God's Gift: 9b 
You see the Power of God's son is given unto us and it rest upon us.
My the power that's available for those who, posses God's son and His grace that is upon us. 
In essence He's saying, if these infirmities brings the power of Christ on my life, I'll not run from them, I'll take them and glory in them.
George Matheson, the well-known blind preacher of Scotland, once said, "My dear God, I have never thanked You for my thorns. I have thanked you a thousand times for my roses but not once for my thorns. I have always looked forward to the place where I will be rewarded for my cross, but I have never thought of my cross as a present glory itself.
"Teach me, O Lord, to glory in my cross. Teach me the value of my thorns. Show me how I have climbed to You through the path of pain. Show me it is through my tears I have seen my rainbows.

weights & wings - DN

Let us thank Him for both the weights and the wings He produces. And realizing we are divinely propelled, let us press on with faith and patience in our high and heavenly calling. A. B. Simpson
I am so thankful that God is in control of the weights in my life when needed and the WINGS in my life when needed. 
There are times when I need to be brought low and thank God there are times when I need lifted up. 
The Psalmist said he is the lifter up of my head. Praise his name.
Romans 8:28
For we know ( while there are times I feel like I don't know much and hope no one ask me any thing. And then there are times that I am so grateful for what I do know. ) Paul said, For we know. 
All things work together for the good of them that love God to them who are the called according to his purpose.
1. God is in Control of All Things:
2. God has a Cause for All Things
3. God will Continue with us in All Things
Rev DN

Thursday, April 4, 2019

How does a man know he is called of God?

How does a man know he is called of God?
First, there is the secret inner call known only to the minister himself.
Does the person have a strong desire to serve God in the ministry?
Is there evidence of the calling of the Holy Spirit in one’s life?
If one has this desire and believes God is calling him, then he should begin to examine himself to make sure he is hearing the right message. Thomas Oden lists questions one should ask oneself.
Here are some of them:
1. Is this desire occasional or persistent?
2. Are there obvious blockages or irreversible encumbrances?
3. How much am I willing to give up?
4. How spiritually mature am I?
5. Can I stand alone, accountable before God?
6. Have I consulted with others concerning their perception of my potential gifts for ministry?
Oden suggests that anyone who is resistant to this sort of soul-searching might not be a good candidate for the pastoral office.
All of these questions involve judgments that have to be made and are therefore somewhat subjective—except one.
When there are things in one’s history that disqualify one from serving, subjective feelings should not override the qualifications given in Scripture. These qualifications will be discussed later, but they are summed up in one word: blameless.
Gerald P. Cowen, Who Rules the Church?: Examining Congregational Leadership and Church Government (Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 2003), 29–30