Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Sit with Him REVDN

Matthew 26:36 Jesus instructed his disciples. Sit here while I go over there and pray.

Several things seem to stand out to me here in this sacred passage. 
1. This Place: It was a garden. Mans fall commenced in a garden and now the commencing of mans redemption it too is in a garden.
2. This Prayer: Christ in his heaviness cries out to the Father, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt. 
This prayer is a prayer where the Son is submitting to the Father's will and plan of Redemption.
If we have walked with him, we too have prayed these prayers.
Where we have submitted to the Father, knowing the Father knows what's best.
3. The Placements:
Jesus and 11 of his disciples enter the garden. Judas the 12th will be there soon as he has ventured out on his own, fulfilling his own destiny.
Christ instructs the majority to tarry while he goes a little farther to pray.
James, John and Peter walk with him to watch and pray. The others seemed to be left behind. 
You ever feel like you have been left behind?
That your ministry or life is not as important as others that started out the same time you started out.
May we have this understanding.
The garden has places to Step (walk)
The garden has places to Stand
The garden has places to Sit
Neither of these are any less than the other. When Christ entered the garden he took with him his disciples. Some walked with him, others stood with Him, and then there were those that seem to be left out, who found themselves just sitting and waiting. 
An old wise preacher said to me once many years ago, "before you will ever stand with and for HIM, you will have to first sit with him.
If you are in the garden with HIM, just be grateful you are in the Garden!

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