Sunday, October 8, 2017

the Will of God


Ephesians 5:17,
Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.

Seven things for us to understand about the Will of God. (Taken from the latest book I am writing.)

1. The will of God is not something that is just for the super spiritual
2. The will of God is not something that is just for the preachers
3. The will of God is not some super-secret that God is hiding for you
4. The will of God is not something that is beyond your comprehension
5. The will of God will never take you away from the Word of God
6. The will of God will never lead you contrary to the Word of God
7. The will of God will never take you farther than the sufficiency of the grace of God

Rev. SB

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