Saturday, September 30, 2017

No peace for unbelievers

No peace for unbelievers

Isaiah 48:22 There is no peace, saith the LORD, unto the wicked.

Do you know who the wicked are? They are not those that do wicked things like sin. The wicked are those that have not trusted Jesus Christ and His finished work on the cross. They still live in their own strength. They feel like they can get it done. They do not need God, they think! They live by their own means.

The problem is that all of sinned. All have fallen short of what is needed to be a complete, full, satisfied, content human. You were meant to walk with God. You were meant to know Him. You were meant to live in faith.

When you decide to live your own life, your own way then you are left to your own means. That means that you will not have real peace. The best you will have is a simulated peace. You will pretend. You will tell people you have peace but in your innermost being you know that things aren’t quite right.

You will deny that truth. You will say that everything is good but one day, when you are hurting you will have to admit your need. Know this, that you will be able to then know that He loves you. If you will simply quit trusting you and start trusting Him you will have that peace.

Believe that God loves you, that Jesus died for you and your sins, that you can have eternal life and peace right now and He will do all that for you!

Rev AG

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