Saturday, September 16, 2017

How did Noah exercise his faith in God?

 Hebrews 11:7 How did Noah exercise his faith in God?
“By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith.”
Noah’s example of Faith has very distinct and easily identifiable markers.  The first marker was that he believed God’s Word when all the world around him believed the opposite.  Everyone in Noah’s world had the Word of God from Adam and Seth up to the times of Noah, but they rejected God’s Word and lived a lifestyle that was opposed to God.  Second, Noah preached righteousness for an entire centennial.   That Preaching was not just on Saturday, but everyday. He preached a message that was directly and contradictory to the lifestyles of those he was preaching to.  Thirdly, Noah lived a Godly life and his family did the same.  He had a Biblical family which was in the face of all those around him.  He did not just live somewhat differently from his neighbors and town; he lived Biblically.  Fourthly, Noah exercised his faith by building the Ark.  If you have the chance to visit the Ark Encounter in Kentucky,  you will see the Biblical proportions of the Ark.  But imagine that being on the landscape outside the city.  Noah begins his 100 year series of messages on the coming Judgment of God.  I just imagine he walked the streets clothed in different style dress from the people around him and preached “Repent for the Judgment of God is at hand.”  God is merciful and will forgive your sins and heal our land”. Can you hear the jeers and mockery that must have been hurled toward the man of God.  “Ha, Ha, Ha, Look at how he is dressed, he is a real drag, listen to his hate speech, he just hates us and wants to control our lives….”  And on and on it goes.  But Noah’s Faith was greater.  To his credit, he won 7 souls.  His wife, His sons, and three girls who became the son’s wives.  Seven began to call upon the name of the Lord like Noah.  The greatest exercise of Noah’s faith was not the building of the ark, nor the naming the animals or preparing the resources for their voyage.  It was when he gathered his family and said, it is time to go into the ark.

That one act saved their lives and fulfilled God’s eternal plan of salvation for all the people that would be born so that “whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved!”

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