Sunday, October 8, 2017

Prayer and fasting

And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting. Mark 9:29

When you see and hear of the evil in the world, do you ever feel helpless?  You want to do something, but what?  A father had brought his son to the disciples for healing. The disciples had been unable to help the young man.  But Jesus did.  When the disciples ask Jesus why they had failed, he told them this kind of deliverance comes only by prayer and fasting.

In the world of today, our greatest need is for a spiritual revival.  All of our programs and projects are important, but they will not bring deliverance to a lost and dying world. 

Only as God’s people sincerely turn to Him in prayer and fasting can we impact our world for Christ.

Rev. DB

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