Sunday, October 8, 2017

Wake up America

If the people just new how much power we have over these celebrity and Athlete protesters and would start to use that power you would see things change. It's time you stop watching the games buying there merchandise, and the merchandise of there sponsors.  The problem is we are so engulfed with selfishness that regardless of what most any one does or who they do it to as long as it does not mess up your world you don't care, but by the time it starts effecting you directly it's usually to late do anything about it. So I submit this unto you, if you truly care about your Country then stand for your Country and everything that it took to make it great, be thankful for your freedom and do not give into rebellious freedom.

  Let me explain as a Christian born again by the Grace of God thru Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior I am free from the bondage of sin, and have the right because of the freedom that was paid for by a sacrifice that was freely given, I can do whatever I please but when I exercise a will that goes against all that sacrifice cost then it is no longer me exercising free will but a rebellion against that free will.

  Let's stand for the men and woman that fought and gave there lives for this great country and freedom and let's stand against the ones that oppose it, stop watching there movies stop buying there products and merchandise we do not need them they need us to continue that life style, we are the majority not them, for to long we have catered to these money hungry, glory grabbing, spoiled brats that where raised in homes by parents that because they play better, sing better, talk and walk and think better, that they are better, there NOT!

Wake up America before there is no America left.

Rev. RF

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