Friday, January 29, 2021

Words to carry us - CE

 When you are flying in a jet, sometimes it looks like you could jump out of the plane and land on a soft cloud, but as you begin to descend you understand that it’s only an illusion. There is not enough substance in a cloud to support the weight of your body. I’ve heard songs and sermons that were only illusions.....just like the clouds!

We use our one liners, exciting cliches, favorite sayings, and “catchy phrases” to create these illusions; we tell people what to do in their trials and storms....just jump on the cloud! Sometimes it creates a lot of excitement and stirs emotions......the problem is it only works in the sermon or doesn’t work in real life!
When we are hurting, or grieving, or struggling, we try to do what the preacher said......jump on the cloud.....only to discover there’s not enough substance to sustain and support our burdens and our needs!!
When dark times come, we don’t need fluff or clouds; we need substance....we need truth.....we need something real...... we need something that will sustain us.....we need the Word of God to trust and depend on! There will come a time in each of our lives when clouds are not going to be enough; we will need a Word from the Living God to carry us through! (CE)


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