Friday, January 8, 2021

Don't get in over your head

 As a young boy, I was not a good swimmer.

At a summer lake party, I followed all the other children and jumped into the lake. The water was over my head; my feet could not touch the bottom. I panicked. As I panicked, I could not process what to do in order to reach safety. I did not realize it, but my daddy was watching the entire time. My daddy was a fantastic swimmer, and he was ripped.

As I floundered in panic, sure I was drowning, I felt my daddy grab me. He was strong enough to keep my head above water and swim me back to the dock. He knew I was embarrassed and so he didn't say anything. Later, he simply said, "Don't get in over your head."

Friends, you can't live this life alone. You will panic and drown. You will get in over your head. Fear, loneliness, exhaustion, worry will overwhelm you.

But, God is always watching you. He loves you more than anyone ever will.
Cry out. He will hear you. Listen to Him. Do what He says. (You may not audibly hear Him, but you will know that you know what He wants you to do - or stop doing.)

Rev SV

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