Friday, January 29, 2021

Words to carry us - CE

 When you are flying in a jet, sometimes it looks like you could jump out of the plane and land on a soft cloud, but as you begin to descend you understand that it’s only an illusion. There is not enough substance in a cloud to support the weight of your body. I’ve heard songs and sermons that were only illusions.....just like the clouds!

We use our one liners, exciting cliches, favorite sayings, and “catchy phrases” to create these illusions; we tell people what to do in their trials and storms....just jump on the cloud! Sometimes it creates a lot of excitement and stirs emotions......the problem is it only works in the sermon or doesn’t work in real life!
When we are hurting, or grieving, or struggling, we try to do what the preacher said......jump on the cloud.....only to discover there’s not enough substance to sustain and support our burdens and our needs!!
When dark times come, we don’t need fluff or clouds; we need substance....we need truth.....we need something real...... we need something that will sustain us.....we need the Word of God to trust and depend on! There will come a time in each of our lives when clouds are not going to be enough; we will need a Word from the Living God to carry us through! (CE)


Trust me - SDV

 The Lord says, "Trust me."

That is the message of the Lord today and every day. "You can trust me."
He will measure your steps according to His plans for you. He will open doors that are good for you, and close the doors that are not. He will protect you from the sin that you hate. He will cross your life with people who will love and serve you because they trust Him, too.
Live set apart from the world and live upright. Stop worrying. Find sanctuary in the friends of faith gathering at His church. Surrender the burdens of your heart to Him and trust Him.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take." Proverbs 3:5-6


Monday, January 11, 2021

Stay the Course - DN

 Stay the Course

I awoken today to a barrage of fears and doubts.
I have a 101 reasons why I shouldn't fear yet while contemplating the world's changes, asking God for a word and what should be His Word for today?
Hebrews 10:38 Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back my soul shall have no pleasure in him.
( After 21 years of pastoring through the years 13 years of evangelism, 33 years of cerebral palsy, 10 years of heart failure, and a host of other things ) the living by faith was not the gulf I'm trying to get over. The mountain I'm trying to conquer, its the little additive found in the remaining part of the verse, if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him.
This caused me to rethink my life, in these fears and doubts and asked myself, was I attempting to draw back?
Several things come to mind:
The Dangers of Drawing Back:
It's a foe we all face and especially the older we get. When our leaning and care is on the cautious side. To name a few, the dangers to turn back are there when:
A. When the Storms Raging:
B. When prayers go Unanswered:
C. When Satan's darts are about us:
D. When others turn back:
2. The Displaying of Drawing Back:
A. Probably one of the most vivid displays is the town called Capernaum. It was said he could there do no mighty work because of their unbelief...
B. When Christ came to the disciples upon the waters, Peter cried out, if it's thou let me come unto thee. He had enough faith to get out of the boat (probably more than many of us. ) But when Peter saw the waves and felt the wind and the water rising up his leg, things changed. He took his eyes off of the Lord.
( he beginning to sink , cried out) To which Christ stated O thou of little faith Or WHY DID YOU DRAW BACK ....
Have you ever found yourself pulling back? In fact you started good went so far but stopped. How easy it is to do.
3. The Deliverance from Drawing Back:
It's been said, When I cannot feel the faith of assurance, I live by the fact of God's faithfulness. Matthew Henry
Deuteronomy 7:9 encourages us with this truth, Know therefore that the Lord thy God, he is God, the faithful God.
The faithfulness of God is our shield and deliverer from turning back.
We must keep our eyes on what got us started.
There's a God who is Faithful
A Friend that Sticketh Closer than a Brother
Scriptures that stood the test of Time
Press on, Don't draw BACK!!!!!
Rev DN

Saturday, January 9, 2021



Luke 24:17 And He said to them, “What kind of conversation is this that you have with one another as you walk and are sad?”
Luke 24: 21 But we were hoping (V)that it was He who was going to redeem Israel. Indeed, besides all this, today is the third day since these things happened. 22 Yes, and certain women of our company, who arrived at the tomb early, astonished us. 23 When they did not find His body, they came saying that they had also seen a vision of angels who said He was alive. 24 And certain of those who were with us went to the tomb and found it just as the women had said; but Him they did not see.”
I Had some truth and light today from the Word. Much of my disappointment over this whole political thing has been due to the fact it did not go the way I wanted and thought it would. I even prayed earnestly about it.
Some facts,
1. It will not get any better as long as peoples words do not have any credibility.
2. The leaders of America, the once free world, have lied so much, they would not know the truth if life depended on it. In fact lives do depend on it! Our lives!
3. The two disciples on the Emmaus road who had a life changing encounter with Christ in Luke 24 knew the tomb was empty, but instead of believing the promise Christ gave of his rising from the grave, they believed the negativity being spread, that someone had stolen the body and left the tomb empty.
4. This brought about unnecessary oppression and sadness., It wasn't until later when they saw this traveler break and blessed the bread, they knew it was not as bad as they thought it was..That HE was Alive! It was as Christ said it would be!
Washington and all of the God deniers will bow at the feet of Christ the resurrected Lord one day..
We who are birthed by God into His family, cleansed by His spotless blood will gather around His Throne and sing a new song one day.

Its not over, the Best Is Yet To Come.
Rev DN

Things I Learned from David - DN

 Things I Learned from David

While reading in Psalms this morning I took away some truths.
Let me give you some things I learned from David this morning.
1. He faced a lot of things I'm Facing.
2. Sometimes He didn't do so Good.
3. In spite of what the wicked feels and thinks, their day is coming!
4. You cannot believe everything you hear and see..
4. His solution and help is the same solution and help that we have, He said,
"In the Lord put I my Trust"
5. God showed him Mercy
6. Seeping in Trouble times is Possible.
May our goal be to spend more times in God's Word, you will be surprise at how better our days are.

Rev DN

Friday, January 8, 2021

Don't get in over your head

 As a young boy, I was not a good swimmer.

At a summer lake party, I followed all the other children and jumped into the lake. The water was over my head; my feet could not touch the bottom. I panicked. As I panicked, I could not process what to do in order to reach safety. I did not realize it, but my daddy was watching the entire time. My daddy was a fantastic swimmer, and he was ripped.

As I floundered in panic, sure I was drowning, I felt my daddy grab me. He was strong enough to keep my head above water and swim me back to the dock. He knew I was embarrassed and so he didn't say anything. Later, he simply said, "Don't get in over your head."

Friends, you can't live this life alone. You will panic and drown. You will get in over your head. Fear, loneliness, exhaustion, worry will overwhelm you.

But, God is always watching you. He loves you more than anyone ever will.
Cry out. He will hear you. Listen to Him. Do what He says. (You may not audibly hear Him, but you will know that you know what He wants you to do - or stop doing.)

Rev SV

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Our needed faith

 When I was an elementary school student, my dad picked me up some days after he finished work. After classes ended, I went to the library and waited on him until about 5 pm. I finished my homework and read.

I had faith my dad would come get me because he never failed me. I had hope he would arrive by 5, when the school closed.

Faith is anchored in what we know and believe; Hope looks to the future and the unknown.
With Jesus, you can walk expectantly and confidently into whatever this day brings. Faith promises it and Hope proclaims it.


Tuesday, January 5, 2021



Been said about valleys,
Either in a Valley
Coming out of a Valley
Headed for a Valley
Truth is, that sure don't leave much time for anything else does it?
I'll admit, it seems like there is sure a bunch of them, yet we are not to take up residency in them.
The valleys are not meant to live in forever.
David alluded to this when he said, yea though I walk THROUGH the valley. He didn't deny them, yet he would not be consumed with them.
It's the higher ground that should be our goal. It's the summits where God dwells.
Paul challenge the Colossians to value the high ground.
Col 3:1 If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.
Col 3:2 Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.
It's the Higher Ground I want:
1. We are Instructed to pursue the high Ground:
2. God dwells there on the sides of the North :
3. It has an Advantage:
At the Battle of Gettysburg, victory was decided much by the ones who possess the higher ground. Both had the opportunity of obtaining it, but one side wanted it more.
4. Some will never climb, because they are afraid of Heights.
I remember, a mentor and hero of mine, Bro Roy Goodson saying to me, "Son keep your sights high."
May our prayer be today the words of the old song I use to sing in church as a boy, I'm pressing on the upward way, new heights I'm gaining everyday, Still praying as I onward bound, "Lord plant my feet on higher ground."
Rev DN