Friday, December 11, 2020

worshiping and fellowship with the Lord - DN

 Behold, bless ye the LORD, all ye servants of the LORD, which by night stand in the house of the LORD.

My how our worship and service for the Lord can become so mundane and self orchestrated.
To rise to the place where our service is for no other reason but HIM should be our greatest goal.
David is referencing worshiping and fellowship with the Lord as not being limited to our circumstances.
Some of the greatest times I've had with Christ has been when it came suddenly and without plan.
It's as if the Lord just showed up and step right in the midst of my life!
David talk of standing by night in the House of the Lord. Today it's hard to get people to stand in the house of the Lord in the day.
Some thoughts my heart dwelt upon this morning.
1. The sad commentary for some, their worship is confined and often restricted to Sunshine.
In life, I have discovered,
There are night times when the sun is not shinning, that Christ longs for fellowship and loyalty and our worship.
Mark 14:37 - And he cometh, and findeth them sleeping, and saith unto Peter, Simon, sleepest thou? couldest not thou watch one hour?
2. It can be challenging worshiping in the night.
At night times a person is often alone.
Sometimes it seems as if ones service and worship is a copy or following what others do.
I've seen it so many times, worship is brought through the response of someone else.
They mimic their gestures, how they say it, it's as if they would not know what to do if it wasn't for someone else doing it.
They have worship leaders, but why should we need worship leaders? Then if you need to be led into it, and it pulled out of you, is it real?
These are just thoughts from my devotion this morning.
I believe there's a danger where most assemble without ever assembling or they are there without being there in the house of the Lord.
A person can worship as long as others are worshipping. But what about those times when it's just you?
Or, as one writer put it, when the songbirds cease and the fruit falls from the trees, will my heart continue to sing? Will I remain in God's house at night? Will I love Him simply for who He is? Am I willing to "keep watch for one hour" (Mark 14:37) with Him in His Gethsemane?
3. There's no better way to honor and show our love to Christ before others than, Standing in the House of the Lord in the dark times of our lives.
Job stated, there are songs he gives in the night. Implying you will not hear them any other time.

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