Friday, December 25, 2020

No blind faith is necessary - TE

 No blind faith is necessary with Christianity. Here's the short argument that is neither circular nor an infinite regress. Merry Christmas!

1. Truth corresponds to reality and is objective, universal, and knowable.
2. There are many good reasons from nature to believe that God exists.
3. If God exists, miracles are possible.
4. The New Testament documents are historically reliable.
5. The best explanation of the historically-established facts regarding Jesus of Nazareth is that he miraculously rose from the dead as he promised, verifying that he was the unique Son of God from heaven as he claimed to be.
6. If Jesus is the Son of God from heaven, his high view of scripture as the Word of God is correct and should be accepted. Other corroborating facts support this conclusion: the Bible’s unity, historical accuracy, honesty about the human moral condition, fulfilled predictive prophecies, and life-transforming power as testified by millions of people, to name a few.
Book by Norman Geisler and Frank Turek, I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist, with associated workbook and curriculum
Booklet by Ratio Christi, What if Christianity is Actually True? How Can We Know, and Why Does it Matter?
Book by James Dew Jr. and Mark Foreman, How Do We Know?
Book by William Lane Craig, Reasonable Faith
Books by Stephen Meyer, Signature in the Cell and Darwin’s Doubt
Book by C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity.

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