Thursday, December 31, 2020

A Mighty Conclusion - DN

 A Mighty Conclusion

Hitherto (thus far) hath the LORD helped us.(1 Samuel 7:12)
My what a conclusion Samuel has reached. It was not just for the present or particular time Israel was facing.
This assuring thought takes in three areas.
The Past - Our Present - the Path ahead.
One writer put it, it is like looking down a road and seeing things that you know helped you get to where you are.
How long has its been sense you took the time to think about how and why you are where you are today?
Three quick thoughts
1. The Course: thus far or hitherto as our King James has it.
The paths, the problems, the people or anything else to add. The ups and downs, our failures and successes.
It was the Lord that helped us, (not us, but him)
David was aware of this truth, in Psalms 124:1 If it had not been the LORD who was on our side, now may Israel say;
Psa 124:2 If it had not been the LORD who was on our side ...or "While on this course, if it had not been for the Lord"
Putting it in language we can understand,
2. The Force: help
Webster gives us some help regarding this little word here.
It means to aid, relieve, assist, to lend strength to succor, to remedy to change for the better.
Isn't that just like Jesus?
Which brings me to my third thought, and that is the,
3. The Source: The Lord
What makes him such a precious commodity is
1. He's Universal in his presence: No place that you will find yourself, in which his presence will be unavailable.
2. He's Unlimited in his power:
Mat 28:18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
Nahum 1:3 said ... He was great in power
3. He's Unfailing in his Promises:
What he says he can do, and will do, and HE DOES!
God Bless as we close out this year !!

Rev DN


Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Why Do People Follow Jesus? - CS

 Why Do People Follow Jesus?

John 6:22-71

When Jesus walked this earth, a vast multitude followed Him. They came for all sorts of reasons—some noble, some selfish. The same is true today. It’s important that we understand what motivates people to come to Christ, because not all who seek Him are really His followers. In fact, we each need to analyze our own walk with the Lord: What do we want from Him? How committed are we to being His disciples?

Many of the people who followed Jesus did so because they had urgent needs that He alone could meet. Everywhere He went, the sick and demon-possessed were brought to Him—this is one of the ways that God draws us to Himself. Those who can solve all their own problems never need a Savior.

Other folks came for sensationalism. They wanted to see the signs and miracles and feel a thrill of excitement. Today some people come to church or conferences to get pumped up, but mountaintop experiences are always followed by valleys. When hardships or challenges come, such people are quick to abandon the Lord.

Rev CS

copied & pasted

Friday, December 25, 2020

No blind faith is necessary - TE

 No blind faith is necessary with Christianity. Here's the short argument that is neither circular nor an infinite regress. Merry Christmas!

1. Truth corresponds to reality and is objective, universal, and knowable.
2. There are many good reasons from nature to believe that God exists.
3. If God exists, miracles are possible.
4. The New Testament documents are historically reliable.
5. The best explanation of the historically-established facts regarding Jesus of Nazareth is that he miraculously rose from the dead as he promised, verifying that he was the unique Son of God from heaven as he claimed to be.
6. If Jesus is the Son of God from heaven, his high view of scripture as the Word of God is correct and should be accepted. Other corroborating facts support this conclusion: the Bible’s unity, historical accuracy, honesty about the human moral condition, fulfilled predictive prophecies, and life-transforming power as testified by millions of people, to name a few.
Book by Norman Geisler and Frank Turek, I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist, with associated workbook and curriculum
Booklet by Ratio Christi, What if Christianity is Actually True? How Can We Know, and Why Does it Matter?
Book by James Dew Jr. and Mark Foreman, How Do We Know?
Book by William Lane Craig, Reasonable Faith
Books by Stephen Meyer, Signature in the Cell and Darwin’s Doubt
Book by C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity.

Thursday, December 24, 2020

the baby in that manger - SV

 Every single person stands alone at Bethlehem's manger, and every person is confronted with a decision.

Every person. Even me. Even you.
Your decision has nothing to do with your church history, attendance, or participation. It has nothing to do with whether you own a Bible or read it, or have ever read it. It has nothing to do with your politics, your lifestyle, your economics, or your education. It has nothing to do with how you have lived or decisions that you’ve made – perhaps, like some of mine, regrettable. It has nothing to do with how you’ve treated other decision-makers - good or bad. Your decision has nothing to do with how much religious education you have. Your decision has nothing to do with what ‘mama and them’ believe. None of that matters when you stand alone at the manger - faced with a decision only you can make.
Sadly, you can only make this decision for yourself. You can't make it for the ones you love. They stand alone at the manger.
“Do I believe this baby, Jesus, is God with us – the living God, and that He loves me as if I am the only person alive on this planet? Do I believe in this baby’s miraculous conception, his life of love and service, his sacrificial death, and his rise from the grave? Do I believe his mission was to erase all my selfishness and secure my life today and forever in love, peace, and joy?”
The answer is yes or no. There is no maybe.
This is a decision about risk and reward, and every human must and will make it for themselves – even abstaining from making a decision is itself a decision. Abstaining is, sadly, “no.” There are no excuses - it is simply yes or no. You can even hear it, like tick-tock.
If you say yes, “I believe Jesus is who He says He is, and that He came for me,” then you have joined those of us who are Christmas people. Life remains hard, but we are grounded with one another in love, hope, peace, and joy. You will see things with new and fresh eyes - you will focus on the long-game of love and service not what you are having for supper today. I welcome you to send me a private message. I’ll help you answer questions, and for questions, I can’t answer, I’ll point you to others that I trust.
If you said no, that is absolutely your right. I respect it. Even God respects it. Please understand the consequences- life is harder, lonelier, fearful, angrier and eternity is dark.
And, just know that the baby in that manger will never give up on you. As long as you live, that baby will call out for you to believe and say yes to Him.
Merry Christmas friends, Scott

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

who is your neighbor? - SV

 We have let cultural religion make us arrogant, cynical, and cold-hearted.

Jesus, the baby, born at Christmas, said, “Love one another as I have loved you.”

It’s not lip service. It’s sacrifice; it’s service, it is hands to the wheel, it’s walking into the relational, physical, and financial pain of others. It’s living out graciousness that says, “No, you go first.”
Join with Jesus and love your neighbor as much as you love yourself. And, who is your neighbor?

Your neighbor is every single human being on this planet because He loves them as much as He loves you.

Brother SV

Monday, December 21, 2020

The New Covenant- TE

 The New Covenant is much better than the Old Covenant. Better High Priest, better priesthood, better location, better Sacrifice, and better promises. (Jer 31; Hebrews; 2Cor 3). The Old Covenant was a biological covenant with a nation (some in the covenant were saved; some were not). The New Covenant is a spiritual covenant composed of believers in Jesus Christ from every tribe, tongue, and nation (all in the covenant are saved).

Rev TE

God is still in control - DB

 And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed. Luke 2:1

Do you ever think the world is out of control, things just don’t make sense? They probably felt that way “in those days.” Occupied by the Romans, they felt forsaken by God.
Yet, God’s hand was at work. He used the most powerful man in the world, an unbelieving gentile, to unknowingly issue a decree that resulted in a poor couple leaving the little village of Nazareth for Bethlehem, where she would give birth to the Messiah as prophesied by Micah 750 years before.
No matter how it seems, God is still in control.

Rev DB

The Ministry of Loneliness - DN

 The Ministry of Loneliness

John 16:32 -I am not alone, for my Father is with me.
Loneliness can and will play an important part in the Child of Gods Life. The Christian must guard against treating loneliness as a curse or struck of bad luck. At times, Loneliness is as much of a divine experience as his presence.

1.Loneliness can be a Negative:
I feel its what we make out of these times that's the deciding factor.
When it comes to loneliness we feel there's nothing positive about it regarding our lives.
In fact, multitudes struggle to keep from being lonely.
Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty.
(Mother Teresa )

2.Loneliness can be Noticed:
The Scriptures are filled with examples of people whose lives were marked by loneliness.
No greater example than our Lord and Savior who prayed alone, trodded the winepress alone ...
Then there is,
Moses alone in the desert
Paul alone in desert
Jacob alone. As he wrestled....
Daniel alone in den of lions ...
John alone on the Isle of Patmos

3.. Loneliness can be a Necessity:
It is in the experience of isolation, that the Lord develops an independence of life and of faith so that the soul no longer depends on the continual help, prayers, faith, and care of others.
His greatest work in the lives of many was in a place of loneliness.
Yet when all is said an done, you will find, in those lonely moments you really wasn't alone!
Jesus said, I am not alone , for my Father is with me.

Rev DN

The Christmas message - SV

 Jesus did not come at Christmas to condemn you. He came to be your friend, He came to walk this hard life with you, He came to hold you, He came to celebrate with you, and He came to heal you of the things that tarnish your peace and your joy. He came to save you. He is real. He is alive. Call on His name, Jesus; Turn from the ways that you know are not upright, public and private; and Know that you are eternally saved from selfishness because Jesus came as a living, breathing sacrifice for you. Go and love others more than you love yourself.

That is the Christmas message.

Rev SV

cultural mandate - KK


As mainstream evangelicalism and religious talking heads continue to bow down to the cultural mandates imposed upon the gospel, I affirm that all men, regardless of skin or ethnicity are sinners, and only Jesus atones for the sin's of an individual. Any addendum to this is cursed.

Rev KK

Have we learned this lesson - LY

 LY in his daily devotions this morning:

1 Chronicles 15:2 , "Then David said, None ought to carry the ark of God but the Levites: for them hath the Lord chosen to carry the ark of God, and to minister unto him for ever."

Having faced tragedy when he tried to return the ark of God to it's appointed place like the Philistines had done. David now chooses to do it God's way. It is evident David has learned his lesson. God's way is the only right way to do anything. Now let's ask ourselves. Have we learned this lesson or do we still choose to go our way instead of God's way at times?

"O," God help us to only do as You say.

Rev L Y

Friday, December 18, 2020

What Do We (I) Need Today?

 What Do We (I) Need Today?

Jesus came to this earth because we needed Emmanuel (God with us). Jesus died on the cross because we needed a Savior. Jesus rose from the dead because we needed a LORD. Jesus is returning one day because we need hope. Jesus commissioned His Church because people need to know of the good news of Christ. God gave His Church a heart of compassion because people need to be part of a special family.

In every Church I have been a part of Jesus has showed me that I am a part of something very special. I needed that.

God Bless.

Thanks Scott


Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Thoughts for our troubled times - DN

 After a brief encounter with the news last night, I penned some thoughts.

1. There is a God in Heaven sitting on the throne, who is still in control.
2. Truth is, and its a sad truth, many are failing to act like it.
3. There was too much prayer that went into thus election for us to believe that something happen, or went wrong.
4. I am a pilgrim and stranger here, and the older I get the less I feel a part of this world.
5. I'm thinking, this world that so many of God’s children love, before we get out, God will see to it that we see its not what its made to be…its not our home.
6. Our country was in trouble before this election.
7. Heavens throne has not close up shop.
8. God’s plan for the Ages is right on Schedule
9. According to Psalms 2 heathens rage because of restraints. They do not want to be controlled and told no.
10. According to Psalms 2 God is not worried at the craziness and raging of Washington. He has them in derision and he’s is mocking fact He cries, they’re not the ones running this thing, they think they are. God says, ask me and I shall give thee the heathen for thy inheritance. God is on the throne. FOR THOSE THAT CAN NOT HEAR, GOD IS ON THE THRONE. IT WILL ALL BE SORTED OUT.
And According to Psalms 2 we have some answers, some guidance..
I. I will Seek the Lord:
Psa 2:8 Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession..
II. I will continue to Serve the Lord:
Psalms Psa 2:11 Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling
III.I will Stick close to the Lord:
Psalms 2:12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.
You do know, to kiss there must be closeness?
Of course you do.
Hey! God is not fretting over this!!!
Rev DN

Friday, December 11, 2020

worshiping and fellowship with the Lord - DN

 Behold, bless ye the LORD, all ye servants of the LORD, which by night stand in the house of the LORD.

My how our worship and service for the Lord can become so mundane and self orchestrated.
To rise to the place where our service is for no other reason but HIM should be our greatest goal.
David is referencing worshiping and fellowship with the Lord as not being limited to our circumstances.
Some of the greatest times I've had with Christ has been when it came suddenly and without plan.
It's as if the Lord just showed up and step right in the midst of my life!
David talk of standing by night in the House of the Lord. Today it's hard to get people to stand in the house of the Lord in the day.
Some thoughts my heart dwelt upon this morning.
1. The sad commentary for some, their worship is confined and often restricted to Sunshine.
In life, I have discovered,
There are night times when the sun is not shinning, that Christ longs for fellowship and loyalty and our worship.
Mark 14:37 - And he cometh, and findeth them sleeping, and saith unto Peter, Simon, sleepest thou? couldest not thou watch one hour?
2. It can be challenging worshiping in the night.
At night times a person is often alone.
Sometimes it seems as if ones service and worship is a copy or following what others do.
I've seen it so many times, worship is brought through the response of someone else.
They mimic their gestures, how they say it, it's as if they would not know what to do if it wasn't for someone else doing it.
They have worship leaders, but why should we need worship leaders? Then if you need to be led into it, and it pulled out of you, is it real?
These are just thoughts from my devotion this morning.
I believe there's a danger where most assemble without ever assembling or they are there without being there in the house of the Lord.
A person can worship as long as others are worshipping. But what about those times when it's just you?
Or, as one writer put it, when the songbirds cease and the fruit falls from the trees, will my heart continue to sing? Will I remain in God's house at night? Will I love Him simply for who He is? Am I willing to "keep watch for one hour" (Mark 14:37) with Him in His Gethsemane?
3. There's no better way to honor and show our love to Christ before others than, Standing in the House of the Lord in the dark times of our lives.
Job stated, there are songs he gives in the night. Implying you will not hear them any other time.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

What it is you're after? - DN

 We all have our goals. There are those whose goals are to be rich, others to be successful, and some to be beautiful and handsome. Then there are those who seemingly live in such a way, it's as if they have no goals. My how we should labor, to keep this from claiming our lives and years..

How long has it been since you sat and thought about what it is you're after? What are the goals in which you are pursuing?
Then ask yourself, how successful are you in achieving them.
I think it's safe in saying, the eternal should precede the temporal. Matthew sets a standard for us in Mat 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
John revealed to us in 1Jn 4:19 What I believe should be the precedent for our life and its goals. We love him, because he first loved us.
You think the world would be a better place if this was at the first of our list?
To be lovers of Christ. Lovers of His Word, His Works, Lovers of the Wonders in which he loves?I believe it would.
A quote I came across this morning that stirred my heart in thought was by the 19th century Anglian Bishop J C Ryle. He said, Of all the things that will surprise us resurrection morning, this I believe will surprise us the most, that we did not Love the Lord more before we died!
J C Ryle.
For the time I have remaining on earth, I want to love Christ more, how about you?
Rev DN

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

A new LORD's prayer

 sad but true...

Lord's Prayer
By a 15-year-old school kid who got an A+ for this entry
The Lord's Prayer is not allowed in most U.S. Public schools any more.
A kid in Minnesota wrote the following NEW School Prayer:-
Now I sit me down in school
Where praying is against the rule
For this great nation under God
Finds mention of Him very odd
If scripture now the class recites,
It violates the Bill of Rights.
And anytime my head I bow
Becomes a Federal matter now
Our hair can be purple, orange or green,
That's no offense; it's a freedom scene.
The law is specific, the law is precise.
Prayers spoken aloud are a serious vice
For praying in a public hall
Might offend someone with no faith at all.
In silence alone we must meditate,
God's name is prohibited by the State.
We're allowed to cuss and dress like freaks,
And pierce our noses, tongues and cheeks.
They've outlawed guns, but FIRST the Bible.
To quote the Good Book makes me liable.
We can elect a pregnant Senior Queen,
And the 'unwed daddy,' our Senior King.
It's 'inappropriate' to teach right from wrong.
We're taught that such 'judgments' do not belong.
We can get our condoms and birth controls,
Study witchcraft, vampires and totem poles.
But the Ten Commandments are not allowed,
No word of God must reach this crowd.
It's scary here I must confess,
When chaos reigns the school's a mess.
So, Lord, this silent plea I make:
Should I be shot; My soul please take! Amen

Christians, we have to pray for America to turn back to GOD !!
