Wednesday, July 17, 2019

2000 page -views

2000 page-views

Well, another mile stone or another mile post, 2000-page views for this blog. Seen by many people and in many countries around the world. I am so thankful for this deep in my heart. 

I do want to be a witness for the LORD.  I am a bible teacher, preacher and soul winner. My job is to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ, fulfill the Great commission and look for our Lord Jesus Christ to return.  I am promoting Salvation in Christ, service for Him, set apart living and looking for His glorious second coming.
So in light of this, I hope to continue to bring you sermons and messages that will help you the Bible preachers and teachers to go, glow, glean and get encouragement in and for your Christian Life.
I have to admit; the spirit is willing but the flesh (my body & mind is weak / slow) Please pray for us for strength and wisdom to share.
May God bless you!!
(As we are laborers together with God)

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