Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Goals - REVDN

We all have our goals.
There are those whose goals are to be rich, others to be successful, and some to be beautiful and handsome. Then there are those who seemingly live in such a way, it's as if they have no goals. My how we should labor, to keep this from claiming our lives and years..

How long has it been since you sat and thought about what it is you're after? What are the goals in which you are pursuing?

Then ask yourself, how successful are you in achieving them.
I think it's safe in saying, the eternal should precede the temporal. Matthew sets a standard for us in Mat 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
John revealed to us in 1Jn 4:19 What I believe should be the precedent for our life and its goals. We love him, because he first loved us.
You think the world would be a better place if this was at the first of our list?
To be lovers of Christ. Lovers of His Word, His Works, Lovers of the Wonders in which he loves?I believe it would.
A quote I came across this morning that stirred my heart in thought was by the 19th century Anglian Bishop J C Ryle. He said, Of all the things that will surprise us resurrection morning, this I believe will surprise us the most, that we did not Love the Lord more before we died!
J C Ryle.
For the time I have remaining on earth, I want to love Christ more, how about you??
Rev DN

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