Saturday, September 29, 2018

His song in the night - JC

Yet the LORD will command his lovingkindness in the daytime, and in the night his song shall be with me... Psalm 42:8
I have had a good day. It was a busy day with a variety of tasks. My attention was required to our mission work in Honduras and to our upcoming trip to the Galilee region of Israel, my sermon preparation for Sunday and paper work stemming from the Eminent Domain order by the state. My day culminated visiting a dear friend and church member that has essentially been confined to a bed for over a year. We visited and shared pleasant conversation about the Lord and the church. We spoke of his progress and the hopes for the future. We prayed together, exchanged goodbyes and I started home. It was about 7:35 and the sun was setting in a beautiful display of color. Although it was a peaceful and exquisite site I was tired, not feeling well and looking forward to being home. The longer the evening wore on the more restless I became. Feeling worse I took some ibuprofen and laid down hoping for sleep. As has been the case for months sleep evaded me as my mind turned rapidly on the pressing situation that has dominated our thoughts and prayers for over five months. I tried to redirect my thoughts to my sermon for Sunday, to my “to do” list but regardless of my effort my thoughts circled back to all that is affecting the future of our congregation. I picked up my phone and open my digital Bible to Psalm 42:8. The glow from the screen was lighting up the darkness of our room while the Word was lighting up my heart. After reading these words:
“Yet the LORD will command his lovingkindness in the daytime, and in the night his song shall be with me...”
I immediately began to think of a song my dad use to sing so often. The song was “God Leads Us Along”. It was written by G. A. Young in 1903. Mr. Young was born, lived and died in relative obscurity.
Alfred B. Smith authored a book entitled “Treasury Of Hymn Histories.” In that book he tells the story of George Young and his great song. Here is a excerpt from the book.
George was a carpenter, and a preacher of the gospel. Often his income was so small he had difficulty supporting his wife and family. Even so, he kept on diligently serving the Lord.

Finally, after a great deal of effort and years of sacrifice, the Youngs were able to move into a small house they had built for themselves. All were delighted with the new place, but tragedy soon overtook them. While George was away holding meetings in another community, some men who were hostile to the gospel George preached set fire to the Young’s home burning it to the ground.

Out of that experience he wrote the song, “God Leads Us Along.” It is a testimony to his faith in God, in spite of this severe trial.
Here are the words to that song that started playing in my mind:
In shady, green pastures, so rich and so sweet
God leads His dear children along
Where the water’s cool flow bathes the weary one’s feet
God leads His dear children along
Some through the waters, some through the flood
Some through the fire, but all through the blood
Some through great sorrow, but God gives a song
In the night season and all the day long
Sometimes on the mount where the sun shines so bright
God leads His dear children along
Sometimes in the valley, in darkest of night
God leads His dear children along
Away from the mire, and away from the clay
God leads His dear children along
Away up in glory, eternity’s day
God leads His dear children along
Some through the waters, some through the flood
Some through the fire, but all through the blood
Some through great sorrow, but God gives a song
In the night season and all the day long
Praise The Lord!
There is an interesting postscript to this story. Nearly 40 years after Young wrote his great song, hymn writer Haldor Lillenas decided to track down George Young’s widow, and find out more if he could. He eventually got an address in a small town and, driving there, he stopped at a gas station to ask for directions. When the attendant saw the address, he said, “Why sir, that’s the County Poor House up the road about three miles. And mister, when I say poor house, I really mean poor house!”
Not knowing what to expect, Lillenas made his way there. He found Mrs. Young, a tiny, elderly woman, in surroundings that were far from congenial. However, she radiated the joy of the Lord, and spoke of how He’d guided her and her husband over all the years. Then, she exclaimed, “Dr. Lillenas, God led me here!” I’m so glad He did, for you know, about every month someone comes into this place to spend the rest of their days….So many of them don’t know my Jesus. I’m having the time of my life introducing them to my Lord! Dr. Lillenas, isn’t it wonderful how God leads!”

Well it is after 3 am now and I’m thankful I couldn’t sleep. I have had sweet thoughts of my dad singing this song, while reliving the story behind its origin. It has helped me put into perspective the opportunities and obstacles, the joys and the defeats, the twists and the turns ahead. 

So whether it’s in “shady green pastures” or through “the valley in darkest of night” I am more than grateful- “God leads His dear children along.”

Rev JC

Friday, September 28, 2018

Faithful to the finish - JA

Excited about week 2 of our fall Sunday School campaign


(Pray for souls to be saved and lives changed)

- When Representing The Lord

- When Reaching The Lost

- When Replenishing The Laborers

Rev JA

For the Lord - JA

On my way for the Lord,

- to preach from The Greatest Book that’s ever been Written, the Holy Scriptures

- to tell about Greatest Man that’s ever Lived, our Savior

- to offer The Greatest Gift thats ever been offered, to share

- Let’s pray that sinners will HEAR AND HEED. be saved

Rev JA

For Jesus

• Accept your past without regrets, for Jesus paid it ALL,

• Handle your present with confidence, For Jesus is seated next to the Father,

• Face your future without fear, for Jesus is the object of your faith and future.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

He will be there - DB

I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you. John 14:18
Jesus’ promise is that He will never leave us or forsake us. The heart of our faith is Jesus living in our hearts. When He went away, the Holy Spirit came in His place and His voice is the voice of Christ.
Even after His ascension, the early Church did not think of Jesus as being gone. He still worked in their midst through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. He is still with us today.

In fact, Jesus promises where two or three gather in His name, He will be there in the midst.

Rev DB

Monday, September 17, 2018

Do you See HIM - DN

Do you See HIM

I have learned, in the seasons of my life, it's of great value to see God in those seasons. 
Things do not just happen. 
Job reminded us, 
The Lord giveth and he taketh away.Blessed be the name of the Lord. 
People fail to see, he's Lord whether the sun is shinning or not.Whether life is good or not.
Job is saying, HE is Lord when I receive and He is Lord when things that are precious, are taken away.
Everything Job went through,did not change one bit his conviction regarding the Lord.
David reminded us, Psalms 119:75
For I know that thy judgements are right;(what GOD does and allows are right) and that thou in thy faithfulness hath afflicted me .
Failing to see the Lord in the seasons of our lives, will bring bitterness, failure, and defeat.
The writer said,
For as each day unfolds its light,
We'll walk by faith and not by sight.
Life will, indeed, a blessing bring,

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Biblical Turth - KK

We cannot separate the biblical truth that "God has saved us" from the ongoing reality that "God is saving us" from the ultimate hope that "God will save us."

The promise of our glorification is made evident by our sanctification which is guaranteed because of our justification.

Rev KK

(salvation, sanctification and our glorification)
God saved us,
God is saving us,
God will save us.

(PTL, it never gets old for me)

Proven - JA

In I Sam 17– Saul's armor was nice-beautiful
- no doubt the best that money could buy
- it was the kings armor
- he did not trust it because he had not proven it

- The Bible we use-The songs we sing

Rev JA

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

My Times are in HIS Hands - DN

My Times are in HIS Hands
Psalms 31:15-22 

So many friends and people today are stepping through times of great difficulty. 
I awoke with this thought upon my heart, " I'm glad these times are in God's Hands"
I wanted to share some truths on my heart today!
What a wonderful truth to face these times we are in. Isn't it amazing how Gods word speaks even in these times as if it was penned down yesterday?

Many believed Psalms 31 was penned by David, when Absalom his son had rebelled and lying lips had spread 1000 of malicious rumors against him..

Should David be before us today he could say, If you want to talk about trouble, I can tell you about trouble, but instead he enlarged this truth, God was bigger than his times.

There are three things I discovered in Psalms 31 that are worthy to note:
God's Help: vs. 1
God's Hears: vs2 David was aware that God has sensitive hearing and that his ears are open to cry of those in distress. 
God's Hands: vs. 15 
I'm glad in 2018 these times are in God's Hands!

Psalms 31 reveal to us regarding David,
His Trust was in God's Hand 1-6
His Troubles were in God Hand 7-14
His Times are in God's Hand: 15-22
His Triumph is in God's Hand: 23-24
If I could add one more to this, I would like to say, OUR TEARS are in Gods hands. 
Every tear that falls and high lights our cheeks, Gods there and sees it, catches it and places it in his bottle of tears.

He cares!

Rev DN

Who is this coming?? - DN

The Lord spoke to my heart this morning and gave me a word and I thought there may be some one else that might need this.
Who is this coming up from the wilderness (desert) leaning on her beloved (lover) ? Song of Solomon 8:5
My what a verse we have here before us. The question is asked, who is this coming up ? Could it be you, me or someone else. Truth is this, before we get out of this world and finished with this journey, there is going to be some dry and leaning times we will face. 

I. A Place - Desert
It was defined as being a desert.
Webster: 1. Literally, forsaken; hence, uninhabited; as a desert isle. Hence, wild; untilled; waste; uncultivated; as a desert land or country. Deserts are:

II. A Placement: leaning
To Lean denotes: To bend or incline so as to rest on something.
Are you a leaner? You better be!
( I do not know if leaner is a word or not,
it should be. My wife tells me all the time, quit making up words. Lol )
John was a leaner and heard the heart of God.

III. A Power:
In leaning times, I'm glad there is a power that's greater than our weakness. Truth is you do not know how weak you are until you start coming up out of the desert.
1. The leaner was not alone:
You ever feel you're alone? The Lord is right there with us.
2. The leaner was not without affection (thus her lover) arnt you glad we have a lover? One that will enter the desert wth us?
He loved loved her before the desert, in the desert and coming out of the desert.

IV.. A promise:
Our lover, whose name is Jesus will not leave you in the desert, he is going to bring you out.

Rev DN

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Come, see a man

Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ? John 4:29
Jesus had a conversation with a woman at the well outside Sychar. That in itself amazed the woman. But when she realized who He was and how much He loved her, she ran back into the city and invited her neighbors to come and see a man who told her all things that she ever did
Jesus knew her every flaw, yet He loved her anyway. Jesus knows our every flaw and imperfection, yet He loves us anyway. In fact, He loved her and us so much He lay down His life for us.


Isn’t that news we should want to share with our neighbors?


Rev DB


Monday, September 10, 2018

Invite them

Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him, and saith to him, Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile! Nathanael saith unto him, Whence knowest thou me? John 1: 47-48
Phillip told Nathanael they had found the Messiah and invited him to meet with Jesus. Nathanael expressed his doubts, but agreed to go with Phillip. As they approached, Jesus cried out to Nathanael, “Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!”
Nathanael may not have known anything about Jesus, but Jesus knew everything about him. There are those who know nothing about Jesus, but Jesus knows everything about them. He loves them and wants to save them.


Invite them to meet Jesus.


Rev DB


the song of the redeemed

And they sung as it were a new song before the throne. Rev. 14:3
Revelations describes a time when the redeemed will stand before the throne of God and sing a new song – a song of Moses and the Lamb. It is song of victory and praise and glory. A song only the redeemed of God can sing.
When we are saved, I believe God puts a new song in our heart. We may not yet know the words, but in those special times when we are close to the Lord we can feel the melody in our hearts.


I pray the song of the redeemed will stir within your heart today.


Rev DB


the common chain

 It is not the successes of men that reveal the greatest Christians. It is not their buildings and the billboards that speak their name.

George Mattheson, Scotland's blind preacher, Stated,
If Joseph had never been Egypt’s prisoner, he would have never been Egypt’s governor. The iron chain that bound his feet brought about the golden chain around his neck. 

Suffering is the common chain that links great servants of Christ together. 

God has enlarged you through the suffering of sorrow’s chain.

Rev DN

Thursday, September 6, 2018

A life lesson

A life lesson
Yesterday, as I walked, I met this gentleman, who is blind. Seeing him carry a big bottle of water for a fountain, I was moved and had to approach him to tell him that I could help him, and he immediately said to me: – You can help me cross the street. So being across the street, I said, "Where are you headed?, I can help you load the bottle. And what he said: – No, relax, this is not the first bottle I have, I've done like 20 times, and I've become "delivery"; They pay me 20 pesos for every bottle I take. This event made me think about life, and I understood that there are no excuses to go far and be someone of good.

It is impressive as this elderly gentleman, and also blind, can each day surpass himself to obtain his daily sustenance. If he can do it, why can't we do it? Excuses will come, but the brave always see opportunities.

copied / pasted

Lord, help us to realize we have a firm foundation in Christ and we can do ALL things through Christ!!


Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Not a word

Let us muse again today from Matthew 15:23 and the theme of Jesus the king.

In our text for today we are confronted with a lesson on not a word.

What a discouraging thing to come to Jesus for help and receive from Him not a word. What do you do on such an occasion? She persisted. The disciples said she cried after us, send her away. They were all wrong she was not crying after them but only Him. Let us rejoice when seekers for Jesus come.

Let’s not turn them away by harsh words or actions.

Rev TG

Saturday, September 1, 2018

what He did & for us

For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. 2Cor. 5:21
I have not found another verse that more perfectly expresses what Christ has done for us. The sinless Lamb of God took our place on the cross and suffered the wrath of God for the sins of the world.
In that moment, God saw Jesus as if he were guilty of all the sins committed by every one who would believe on Him. When we believe, God sees us as though all our deeds were the righteous deeds of Christ. 

Praise His Holy Name!

Rev DB