Sunday, November 19, 2017

Be ye kind

And be ye kind one to another, tender hearted . . . Eph. 4:32

Ruth was a Moabite.  A widow, who left her home and followed Naomi, her husband’s mother, back to the land of Israel.  The two of them had no means of support and depended upon the kindness of others.  By divine grace, Ruth found herself gleaning corn in the fields of Boaz.  Boaz was a relative who showed kindness to Ruth and Naomi.

This beautiful story illustrates the kindness God has shown to us.  Jesus became flesh and provided divine grace to those who will receive it.  Kindness is one of the greatest Christian virtues.  Is there someone today who needs to hear a kind word or receive an act of kindness? 

Let us be kind one to another and tender hearted toward those in need.

Rev. DB

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