Sunday, October 29, 2017

It is a heart problem

Matthew 15:19 For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies:

So when someone has evil thoughts where do they come from? Is sex sin a body problem or a heart problem? When people tell lies does that reveal anything about their heart? When people make light of the things of God what does that tell you about them in their heart and most central part of their lives?

The truth is what we say and do comes from who we are. If we could have a good heart we would change. If our heart was right then our sex life would please God. What we say and think would be right if our heart was right.

The obvious decision here is to work on our heart. That is to work on our innermost being. We do that first by His saving us. Then we do that by filling our heart with His Word, His way of thinking, His heart!

So work on being transformed by the renewing of your mind.

Rev. AG

To lead you must serve

Matthew 20:27 And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant:

This is probably the hardest part to understand. Jesus did everything backward compared to the world. With Jesus to live you must die, to be whole you must be broken, to go up you must go down, to lead you must serve, to be lifted up you must humble yourself, to have friends you must be a friend, and many others I am sure that you can think of.

We would all like to be number one. Our culture teaches us to be number one. We are to push to the front, to be out in front. Jesus taught the opposite. We are to serve. We are to humble ourselves. That will make us a leader. If we love and serve we lead.

Jesus did just that. He lived out this truth. It is never about how people treat me but how I treat people. It isn’t about what you do for me but what I do for you!

Let’s serve others.

Rev AG

Choose you this day whom you will serve

Choose whom you will serve.  Joshua 24:15

In life, there are many things over which we have no choice.  A lot of them are bad.  Some are good.  For example, we have no choice in the fact that God loves us.  No matter who we are or what we’ve done, God loves us.  He loves us so much that He went to the cross and died for our sins.

We have a choice in how we respond to God’s love.  We can embrace Him in faith or reject Him.  We can live our lives for His glory or for ourselves.  It is our choice to live for Him today or not.  It is our choice to be with Him in Heaven or not. 

Please choose Jesus today.

Rev. DB

Let not your heart be troubled

Let not your heart be troubled; ye believe in God, believe also in me.  John 14:1

Jesus ask His disciples who people said He was.  Some thought He was one of the prophets or even John the Baptist returned from the dead.   He then ask Peter who he thought He was.  Peter responded, “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God.”

Many people today have a high opinion of Jesus.  They consider Him a great teacher, a prophet or a miracle worker.  While all of this is true, it is not who Jesus is.  He is the Messiah, the Christ, the Son of the Living God.  To believe in Jesus is to believe it all.  To believe He lived a sinless life, died on the cross for our sins and rose again.  To believe He has ascended into Heaven and will return in glory.  To believe in Jesus is the ultimate remedy for a troubled heart.

Rev. DB

Will you be ready ??

"And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually." (Genesis 6:5)

It saddens me deeply as to what we have become in America today. My heart aches as I watch the news on TV and read it on the internet. I am so sick of seeing people, and especially kids, getting murdered around the world. Just a couple of days ago, a cook was shot in a restaurant in Clayton County and the murderer just ran off. A big part of the problem is from our children today. It is the children that are doing most of the killing! They have taken away our right to discipline our children and look at what it has brought us! Whether you like it our not, the Bible teaches us that we are to spank (not beat) our children (Proverbs 13:24, "He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes"). 

I also find it interesting how people want to blame it on the gun that the person used to commit the murder. I had to catch myself as I was writing this post as to not call the murderer that killed the man at the restaurant a "gunman". What ever happened to the word "murderer". If someone is killed with a knife, do we call the one that committed the crime a "knifeman"? Why is it that when a drunk driver kills someone we blame it on the driver and not the alcohol like we do the gun? As soon as someone is killed with a gun, like what happened in Texas, everyone wants to talk about "getting rid of guns". The conversation always becomes "We need to get these guns off the streets". However, when a drunk kills someone, nothing is said about getting rid of alcohol. Why is the alcohol not the culprit but the gun is? More people are killed by alcohol abuse in the U.S. than by gun related violence. Look it up. It is true, yet nothing is done about alcohol because of the tax revenue that it brings in. 

Ok. I chased that rabbit far enough. The real burden on my heart this morning as I think about the wickedness that surrounds our communities today is this: Why will you not listen when I and other Christians tell you that you need Jesus Christ in your life? The Bible is still true when it says,  "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new" (II Corinthians 5:17). When a person gets genuinely saved, he is "born again" (John 3:3, "Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God") and that is when he becomes a new creature in Christ. The drugs and the murders are going to continue until those of us that are saved get busy and tell others about His saving grace! The sad part is that when we do, the people will not listen. WHY WILL YOU NOT LISTEN? If you are saved, get busy praying and telling others about Jesus Christ. If  you have never been saved, get saved today because you never know when YOU will be the one that is murdered as you are simply standing at the gas pumps putting gas into your vehicle. You WILL die one day, please be ready!!
Rev. AS

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Wake up America

If the people just new how much power we have over these celebrity and Athlete protesters and would start to use that power you would see things change. It's time you stop watching the games buying there merchandise, and the merchandise of there sponsors.  The problem is we are so engulfed with selfishness that regardless of what most any one does or who they do it to as long as it does not mess up your world you don't care, but by the time it starts effecting you directly it's usually to late do anything about it. So I submit this unto you, if you truly care about your Country then stand for your Country and everything that it took to make it great, be thankful for your freedom and do not give into rebellious freedom.

  Let me explain as a Christian born again by the Grace of God thru Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior I am free from the bondage of sin, and have the right because of the freedom that was paid for by a sacrifice that was freely given, I can do whatever I please but when I exercise a will that goes against all that sacrifice cost then it is no longer me exercising free will but a rebellion against that free will.

  Let's stand for the men and woman that fought and gave there lives for this great country and freedom and let's stand against the ones that oppose it, stop watching there movies stop buying there products and merchandise we do not need them they need us to continue that life style, we are the majority not them, for to long we have catered to these money hungry, glory grabbing, spoiled brats that where raised in homes by parents that because they play better, sing better, talk and walk and think better, that they are better, there NOT!

Wake up America before there is no America left.

Rev. RF

Prayer and fasting

And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting. Mark 9:29

When you see and hear of the evil in the world, do you ever feel helpless?  You want to do something, but what?  A father had brought his son to the disciples for healing. The disciples had been unable to help the young man.  But Jesus did.  When the disciples ask Jesus why they had failed, he told them this kind of deliverance comes only by prayer and fasting.

In the world of today, our greatest need is for a spiritual revival.  All of our programs and projects are important, but they will not bring deliverance to a lost and dying world. 

Only as God’s people sincerely turn to Him in prayer and fasting can we impact our world for Christ.

Rev. DB

the Will of God


Ephesians 5:17,
Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.

Seven things for us to understand about the Will of God. (Taken from the latest book I am writing.)

1. The will of God is not something that is just for the super spiritual
2. The will of God is not something that is just for the preachers
3. The will of God is not some super-secret that God is hiding for you
4. The will of God is not something that is beyond your comprehension
5. The will of God will never take you away from the Word of God
6. The will of God will never lead you contrary to the Word of God
7. The will of God will never take you farther than the sufficiency of the grace of God

Rev. SB