Friday, October 16, 2020

our riches through Christ's poverty - DN

 Here goes some thoughts. In my shallow way of thinking about our riches through Christ's poverty. The old song said it well, when it stated I went down a beggar but I came up a millionaire. The truth that's known is that we got up richer than a millionaire.

My the difference He made in our Lives both now and eternally.
Just as we fail to see how rich Christ was in his glory and how deep in poverty he became, multiplied numbers of Gods children fail to see what was accomplished for us by him during his poverty.
We that were fallen and enslaved in poverty ( O! The Debt we owed! ) with no hope of escaping our beggarly state.

There was a reason the SCRIPTURES declared concerning redemption, It was not with silver and gold receive from your vain conversation by the traditions of your fathers; because silver and gold could not purchase your freedom. It could not pay your debt.

Galatians 4:4,5
When the fullness of time was come God sent forth his son...To redeem them that were under the law The Law was a document that held a record of our debt, that moved us to declare no hope! no hope!..
But he that was rich became poor that we might be rich in his riches.

The story is told, “Do you see these extended fields?” said the owner of a vast plantation to a friend. “They are mine. All this is mine.” “Do you see yonder poor cottage?” was the reply of the friend as he directed his attention to the abode of a poor widow. “She has more than all this. She has Christ as her portion; and that is more than all.” He who has an interest in the Redeemer has a possession that is of more value than all that princes can bestow.
Rom 8:16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:
Rom 8:17 And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.
To name a few of our riches in Christ we have
John 14;1-3 - a mansion in yonder city
John 14:16 - An abiding comforter
Hebrews 10:19 - His Access
2 Corinthians 5:21 - His Righteousness

Rev DN

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