Wednesday, October 21, 2020

A moment with GOD

 I had a wonderful moment with God last night and wanted to share..

I got a call that my great nephew had been in a 4-wheeler accident and the initial thoughts were either a broken collar bone or possibly broken neck. My heart was broken and I immediately hit my knees to pray for him. I then headed to the hospital because I knew only one parent could go in the ER and wanted to be with whichever one was left in the parking lot. I began praying again on the way. A song came on the radio called 'God will take care of you're. I have never heard this song before as much as I listen to the radio. The words kept repeating over and over God will take care of you. I began immediately praising God while in my car because I knew God was watching over my family and I felt peace over the situation. By his grace it was only a broken collar bone and no surgery required.

My friends, God is real! He loves and cares for his children. I pray if you can't call him your Heavenly Father that you make that choice before it's too late.

Sister CL

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