I had a wonderful moment with God last night and wanted to share..
A blog from the Preachers of our faith, to them that have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our Savior Jesus Christ: Here will be a collection of sermons and messages for you the bible Preachers and teachers to glean, grow and get encouragement. Also see revdansam.blogspot.com and @revdansam on twitter
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
A moment with GOD
Friday, October 16, 2020
Your treasures - DB
Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven ... for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Matt 6: 20-21
Peace with GOD - DB
Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Ro. 5:1
our riches through Christ's poverty - DN
Here goes some thoughts. In my shallow way of thinking about our riches through Christ's poverty. The old song said it well, when it stated I went down a beggar but I came up a millionaire. The truth that's known is that we got up richer than a millionaire.
Thursday, October 15, 2020
He cares for us Luke 12:29
Wow! I have to share this with you: As I was reading in Luke 12 this morning about how God takes care of the birds and grass and that he will certainly care for us even more.....you know the story, right? Well, the last phrase of verse 29 really spoke to me. As much as I have heard these verses preached and read them myself, I don't remember this phrase: "neither be ye of doubtful mind." This is exactly what I needed from the Lord this morning! Of course He knew that, but I didn't. How can I doubt God to meet my needs and fulfill my desires when He has already blessed me with so much? He has already proven Himself (not that He needs to prove anything). God cares for me. God loves me. God died for me. God has saved me from an eternal hell and my Heavenly home is awaiting me. Just because I don't get just what I want when I want it doesn't mean I should doubt my Lord. It's all in His hands, His way, and His timing. He loves me and He loves you. Never doubt God! His ways are the best for ways for you and me!