Wednesday, October 21, 2020

A moment with GOD

 I had a wonderful moment with God last night and wanted to share..

I got a call that my great nephew had been in a 4-wheeler accident and the initial thoughts were either a broken collar bone or possibly broken neck. My heart was broken and I immediately hit my knees to pray for him. I then headed to the hospital because I knew only one parent could go in the ER and wanted to be with whichever one was left in the parking lot. I began praying again on the way. A song came on the radio called 'God will take care of you're. I have never heard this song before as much as I listen to the radio. The words kept repeating over and over God will take care of you. I began immediately praising God while in my car because I knew God was watching over my family and I felt peace over the situation. By his grace it was only a broken collar bone and no surgery required.

My friends, God is real! He loves and cares for his children. I pray if you can't call him your Heavenly Father that you make that choice before it's too late.

Sister CL

Friday, October 16, 2020

Your treasures - DB

 Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven ... for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Matt 6: 20-21

The treasures of this world are temporal. They will not sustain us in our dying hour and we will leave them behind.
The treasures we lay up in heaven are eternal. We will enjoy them forever. Faith in Christ, love for God and others are treasures that will not end. Focus on these and your heart will gladly follow.

Rev. DB

Peace with GOD - DB

 Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Ro. 5:1

Because Jesus died for our sins and was raised for our justification, we have peace with God when we place our faith in Him.
He is the door through which you and I can walk into the everlasting presence and peace of our Heavenly Father.

Rev DB

our riches through Christ's poverty - DN

 Here goes some thoughts. In my shallow way of thinking about our riches through Christ's poverty. The old song said it well, when it stated I went down a beggar but I came up a millionaire. The truth that's known is that we got up richer than a millionaire.

My the difference He made in our Lives both now and eternally.
Just as we fail to see how rich Christ was in his glory and how deep in poverty he became, multiplied numbers of Gods children fail to see what was accomplished for us by him during his poverty.
We that were fallen and enslaved in poverty ( O! The Debt we owed! ) with no hope of escaping our beggarly state.

There was a reason the SCRIPTURES declared concerning redemption, It was not with silver and gold receive from your vain conversation by the traditions of your fathers; because silver and gold could not purchase your freedom. It could not pay your debt.

Galatians 4:4,5
When the fullness of time was come God sent forth his son...To redeem them that were under the law The Law was a document that held a record of our debt, that moved us to declare no hope! no hope!..
But he that was rich became poor that we might be rich in his riches.

The story is told, “Do you see these extended fields?” said the owner of a vast plantation to a friend. “They are mine. All this is mine.” “Do you see yonder poor cottage?” was the reply of the friend as he directed his attention to the abode of a poor widow. “She has more than all this. She has Christ as her portion; and that is more than all.” He who has an interest in the Redeemer has a possession that is of more value than all that princes can bestow.
Rom 8:16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:
Rom 8:17 And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.
To name a few of our riches in Christ we have
John 14;1-3 - a mansion in yonder city
John 14:16 - An abiding comforter
Hebrews 10:19 - His Access
2 Corinthians 5:21 - His Righteousness

Rev DN

Thursday, October 15, 2020

He cares for us Luke 12:29

 Wow! I have to share this with you: As I was reading in Luke 12 this morning about how God takes care of the birds and grass and that he will certainly care for us even know the story, right? Well, the last phrase of verse 29 really spoke to me. As much as I have heard these verses preached and read them myself, I don't remember this phrase: "neither be ye of doubtful mind." This is exactly what I needed from the Lord this morning! Of course He knew that, but I didn't. How can I doubt God to meet my needs and fulfill my desires when He has already blessed me with so much? He has already proven Himself (not that He needs to prove anything). God cares for me. God loves me. God died for me. God has saved me from an eternal hell and my Heavenly home is awaiting me. Just because I don't get just what I want when I want it doesn't mean I should doubt my Lord. It's all in His hands, His way, and His timing. He loves me and He loves you. Never doubt God! His ways are the best for ways for you and me!