Wednesday, April 1, 2020

For what it is worth

For what it is worth, 
I spent most of my ministry as a young preacher, trying to please others.

I wanted the older preachers to be proud of me,, I wanted to be accepted. I reached a place though, where I knew what I believed, but did not know why I believed it. Here I am, after 42 years of ministry , trying to sort things out...
Pastoring in my sixties is different from pastoring when I was in my twenties.
I made so many mistakes then, some I know will effect the Judgement Seat.

The difference now, at my age the only one I need to please is the one that called me. I have said recently, at this aged I have nothing to prove.
Pastoring in the midst of this pandemic is challenging. You cannot visit those who need visiting whether it be a shut in or someone having surgery. We are in a place where our faith is exercised that our prayers are working, and that the people of your flock know you love them.

There's the fear factor regarding the drifting of the sheep.
I heard it said, but never thought I would be living it , " in time of peace you prepare for war ".
Now is a little late, to fret over what the flock will do. It's a time that will reveal what has been instilled in times of peace and a non-pandemic society.

Then on top of this, the worry of what other preachers and Pastors will think if you fail to do like they think you should. Shame on us, if we have placed unnecessary pressure on the Men of God trying to do right by their church.
I have listen to some who it was almost an apology, explaining why they feel the need of taking care of their sheep by not meeting in a public, crowded place. They did not want to be branded.
Personally, I am prone to err, not intentionally. It's just in my genes.
If I am to err in this pandemic, by God's Grace I want to err on the side of caution and love.
Hey Soldiers of the Cross, we are in this together, we really are !!!!

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