Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Blessings from Unlikely Places - DN

After talking to one of the men from the church yesterday, Romans 8:28 began to resonate in my heart.

All things work together for the good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his Purpose.
It's challenging seeing the effects these times are having on the way we do church.
Though we may not see it, God is working.
I've never shared these thoughts about my daughter until now. I do so hoping it's a blessing.

Blessings from Unlikely Places

Romans 8:28 states, And we know that all things work together for the good to them that love God. To them who are the called according to his purpose.
The lessons that God teaches us can come from the most unlikely places.
We must guard against being in too big of a hurry to escape these places.
Take the time to linger and see, what it is that God is trying to show us.
Thoughts about Rebekah
Rebekah is her name but we call her
Sissy. A gift from God with Cerebral Palsy..
She was born one winters night
We held her close we held her tight
Just thankful for this gift from God above.
What We didn't know back then
She was a part of Gods master plan
Till we reach our home by and by
She's never opened a Bible
Sang in a church Choir
She's never prayed at an altar
Or even prayed out loud.
She just sits and waits in her chair Each day,
Smiling at others along life's way.
Lessons she has taught us from this
unlikely place, of God's abiding love and His Amazing Grace.
Rev DN

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