Friday, March 27, 2020

Our help will come from the Lord - DN

Psa 138:7 Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou wilt revive me: thou shalt stretch forth thine hand against the wrath of mine enemies, and thy right hand shall save me.
I am noticing as I look out and listen, the Bible is speaking. It has refreshed my soul to see people relying and releasing what the Scriptures are saying to them.
May I say, for such a time as these, God has given us His Word.
Today we have a word that could have been written last night.
1. David's Steps: ...walk in midst of trouble
The BIble stated that the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord. You would think these steps would be in pleasant places. Sometimes they are, but then sometimes they are through dark and difficult passages.
2. David's Strain: ... Wilt revive me
The word revive seems to imply these trouble places are having an effect on him.
Could it be his.
Troube places will have an effect on you. You can find where your
Faith needs reviving -
Goals needs reviving -
Encouragement to Others need reviving -
Stepping needs Reviving -
You ever feel like just sitting down, or you can not take another step?
Are you feeling strained in these trouble times?
3. David's Strength: Thou wilt save me
There are three things I find here, the Lord does for David in his troublesome times.
A. Thou wilt revive me:
Webster's definition shines great light regarding the term revive.
1. To return to life; to recover life.
2. To recover new life or vigor; to be reanimated after depression.
3. To recover from a state of neglect, oblivion, obscurity or depression. Learning revived in Europe after the middle ages.
B. The Lord will raise his Hand against the wrath of his enemy..
Against denotes in opposition . You see God is either for you or against you.
In my mind I see the Lords big hand staying the wrath of his enemies.
C. With his Right hand he will Save Him
Seems to me in trouble times, there's hope. Our salvation in trouble times will not come from man or Washington and the thrones of this world. Our help will come from the Lord.
Hey He has got this!!!
Rev DN

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