Wednesday, March 25, 2020

He that comes to GOD - DN

He that cometh to God must believe that He is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him! Heb 11:6
It has been said, Desperate days are the stepping stones on the path of light. They are God's opportunity to provide our school of wisdom.
The Lord knows what we need to help us keep our eyes upon HIM!
I love this passage here in Hebrews 11:6.
Desperate days, though we try to avoid them, are with out doubt, necessary in our pilgrimage as Christians.
1.) Desperate days are Ordered by the Lord:
He knows our size, and he orders for us what fits.
2.) Desperate days are Opportunities for the Lord: to provide wisdom...
3.) Desperate days are Overcome by the Lord.
This brings us to this nugget of Gold found in Hebrews 11:6
Without Faith it is impossible to please Him
He That Cometh to God Must believe
That God is and is a Rewarder Of them that diligently seek him.
1. The Rule in Relation to Coming to God:
Without Faith it is impossible to please him. There is no use in trying to please Him without Faith!
2.) The Reason for Coming to God
Take time to answer this question as you approach the Throne of Grace. What brings you to the throne today?
Is it a Trial
Is it for Truth
I'll be honest, I have spent too much time looking at Facebook, and listening to clips of news. When I'm through, I know no more than when I started...
Jesus said I am the way the TRUTH and the light..
Is it for Strength
On and on I could go, the reasons for coming to God are many.
3. The Rewards for Coming to God:
Webster shines a little help, reward denotes, Recompense, or equivalent return for good done, for kindness, for services and the like.
Coming to God Achieves
If your rewards or valuables are based upon your coming to God, how great are they?
Diligently seeking him never ever leaves you empty handed.
That is a King James Bible fact!
So in light of these simple truths, stay the Course, keep seeking him, He is a rewarded of them that do so!!!
Rev DN

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