Thursday, March 19, 2020

Do you have faith? or What kind of faith do you have? - DN

Then touched he their eyes, saying, According to your faith be it unto you.
Matthew 9:29
Do you have faith?
What kind of faith do you have?
Being a Christian connects us with wonderful resources.
1.) The Spirit's Indwelling:
At salvation I received more than forgiveness and a home in heaven. I received The comforter, the Holy Ghost, he took up his abode inside of me. This is his indwelling. My the wonder of it all, that he lives within me.
2.)The Savior's Access:
Another valuable asset is the privilege of having an open door to enter into his presence.
When Christ gave his life, the veil was rent from top to bottom, opening a new way. They who once stood afar, are now able to come and draw nigh.
3. )The Throne of Grace and Mercy:
A provision, in which its very essence is what we must have in our journey, Grace and Mercy.
4.) The Element of Faith: Thank God for Faith! Note some simple thoughts.
A. According to your Faith
A prerequisite - First things first, and the first step to be taken is that of faith. A thought, if the answer to my prayer is in accordance to my faith what are the chances of it being answered? How's your faith today? How's my faith today?
- Is it Great Faith:
- Is it in General Faith: you know, just enough to get you out of the boat like Peter in a place where you need great faith?
- Is it Gone: You just can not believe anymore.
B. Shall it be done
Faith is not just a Source, it's a Force.
My what a force available to those that choose to believe.
- Faith is a Principle to Receive
Faith will never work until we are willing to accept it and use it. Quit talking about it. BELIEVE.
- Faith is a Principle to Relate:
Faith is given for the purpose of using. It's not to be kept back in a box or on a shelve.
It's given to compare with the impending circumstances. It works no matter what you're facing.
(Years ago I was given a check for some work I had done. I was told to hold it for a while until they made sure there was enough money in the account to take care of it. The check was useless until they place more funds in the account. Faith is having the funds and means in the account 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. ( It is Walking up to the window at the bank and, telling the teller I need this cashed.)
C. To you:
You ever been left out of something?
To many serve a historical God. They talk of what God did for their parents and their parents. God is a not just a God of yesterday, he's a God of today. The promises made years ago are for you today.
I believe God is greater than these times we are in. Being honest, fear and concern shows itself during these times.
I want to believe, my family needs me to believe.The church that I serve needs to hear I believe.
My grandson said once, "if Papaw promises, he will do it "
Nothing within my power will keep me from doing what I promised him.
Child of God, Believe!!!!

Rev. DN

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