Tuesday, March 31, 2020

The winds of Life - DN

But the ship was now in the midst of the sea, tossed with waves: for the wind was contrary. Matthew 14:24
The winds of life have their effect, two in particular:
1. They can Advance us:
It enables the ship whose dependent of the wind to achieve its course.
2. They can Attack us:
While one pushes us forward, the other drives us back.
Contrary winds, isn't the world full of them?
It seems as if, this is what we are facing in regards to this pandemic. It is a contrary wind. It's blowing against our freedoms and even our faith.
Yet while this contrary wind is insisting on driving us and setting us back, it is also pushing us upward. Right into the throne room where the Master of the Wind sits!
Note if you will, This Pandemic is
1. Leading me to a greater Prayer Life
Shame on us if we have spent more time talking about man's response than we have talking to God..
2. Compelling me to cling to God's Promises:
His promises are precious promises.
3. Achieving in me a Stronger Character
Past history proves when adversity and contrary winds arose, it left the early church stronger.
Let the Lord handle them, he doesn't need your help, He is stronger than you!
Jesus Christ is not my security against the storms of life, but He is my perfect security in the storms. He has never promised me an easy passage, only a safe landing.
Rev DN

Friday, March 27, 2020

How do we know the Lord is at work??

How do we know the Lord is at work? 
Sometimes we see a dramatic display like the parting of the Red Sea for the Israelites. Other times it seems God isn’t doing anything, as when Jesus delayed visiting Mary and Martha’s sick brother (John 11:3-6).
Our Father has given us the Holy Spirit to help us recognize His presence and handiwork. But discerning God’s work also requires patience since the Lord operates according to His timetable, not ours. Remember, before Sarah conceived the child promised by God, Abraham had to wait until he and his wife were beyond childbearing years.
I believe you will discover that the Lord’s efforts are worth the wait. Hannah was overjoyed when she finally bore a child (1 Samuel 1:27-28, 1 Samuel 2:1). And only after being sold into slavery and unjustly imprisoned was Joseph eventually elevated to a position of authority to help his family.
Jesus told the disciples that His Father was always at work and so was He. When we recognize the ways in which God is operating, we will be encouraged and strengthened in our faith..
How do we know the Lord is at work? Sometimes we see a dramatic display like the parting of the Red Sea for the Israelites. Other times it seems God isn’t doing anything, as when Jesus delayed visiting Mary and Martha’s sick brother (John 11:3-6).
Our Father has given us the Holy Spirit to help us recognize His presence and handiwork. But discerning God’s work also requires patience since the Lord operates according to His timetable, not ours. Remember, before Sarah conceived the child promised by God, Abraham had to wait until he and his wife were beyond childbearing years.
I believe you will discover that the Lord’s efforts are worth the wait. Hannah was overjoyed when she finally bore a child (1 Samuel 1:27-28, 1 Samuel 2:1). And only after being sold into slavery and unjustly imprisoned was Joseph eventually elevated to a position of authority to help his family.
Jesus told the disciples that His Father was always at work and so was He. When we recognize the ways in which God is operating, we will be encouraged and strengthened in our faith..
Rev CS

Our help will come from the Lord - DN

Psa 138:7 Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou wilt revive me: thou shalt stretch forth thine hand against the wrath of mine enemies, and thy right hand shall save me.
I am noticing as I look out and listen, the Bible is speaking. It has refreshed my soul to see people relying and releasing what the Scriptures are saying to them.
May I say, for such a time as these, God has given us His Word.
Today we have a word that could have been written last night.
1. David's Steps: ...walk in midst of trouble
The BIble stated that the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord. You would think these steps would be in pleasant places. Sometimes they are, but then sometimes they are through dark and difficult passages.
2. David's Strain: ... Wilt revive me
The word revive seems to imply these trouble places are having an effect on him.
Could it be his.
Troube places will have an effect on you. You can find where your
Faith needs reviving -
Goals needs reviving -
Encouragement to Others need reviving -
Stepping needs Reviving -
You ever feel like just sitting down, or you can not take another step?
Are you feeling strained in these trouble times?
3. David's Strength: Thou wilt save me
There are three things I find here, the Lord does for David in his troublesome times.
A. Thou wilt revive me:
Webster's definition shines great light regarding the term revive.
1. To return to life; to recover life.
2. To recover new life or vigor; to be reanimated after depression.
3. To recover from a state of neglect, oblivion, obscurity or depression. Learning revived in Europe after the middle ages.
B. The Lord will raise his Hand against the wrath of his enemy..
Against denotes in opposition . You see God is either for you or against you.
In my mind I see the Lords big hand staying the wrath of his enemies.
C. With his Right hand he will Save Him
Seems to me in trouble times, there's hope. Our salvation in trouble times will not come from man or Washington and the thrones of this world. Our help will come from the Lord.
Hey He has got this!!!
Rev DN

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

He that comes to GOD - DN

He that cometh to God must believe that He is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him! Heb 11:6
It has been said, Desperate days are the stepping stones on the path of light. They are God's opportunity to provide our school of wisdom.
The Lord knows what we need to help us keep our eyes upon HIM!
I love this passage here in Hebrews 11:6.
Desperate days, though we try to avoid them, are with out doubt, necessary in our pilgrimage as Christians.
1.) Desperate days are Ordered by the Lord:
He knows our size, and he orders for us what fits.
2.) Desperate days are Opportunities for the Lord: to provide wisdom...
3.) Desperate days are Overcome by the Lord.
This brings us to this nugget of Gold found in Hebrews 11:6
Without Faith it is impossible to please Him
He That Cometh to God Must believe
That God is and is a Rewarder Of them that diligently seek him.
1. The Rule in Relation to Coming to God:
Without Faith it is impossible to please him. There is no use in trying to please Him without Faith!
2.) The Reason for Coming to God
Take time to answer this question as you approach the Throne of Grace. What brings you to the throne today?
Is it a Trial
Is it for Truth
I'll be honest, I have spent too much time looking at Facebook, and listening to clips of news. When I'm through, I know no more than when I started...
Jesus said I am the way the TRUTH and the light..
Is it for Strength
On and on I could go, the reasons for coming to God are many.
3. The Rewards for Coming to God:
Webster shines a little help, reward denotes, Recompense, or equivalent return for good done, for kindness, for services and the like.
Coming to God Achieves
If your rewards or valuables are based upon your coming to God, how great are they?
Diligently seeking him never ever leaves you empty handed.
That is a King James Bible fact!
So in light of these simple truths, stay the Course, keep seeking him, He is a rewarded of them that do so!!!
Rev DN

Friday, March 20, 2020

In times like these


For whosoever shall call on the name of the LORD shall be saved !!

(this song is a copy / lyrics form an older gospel song form years ago)

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Think it not! - DN

One of my favorite passages of Scripture in which God has spoke volumes to my heart is this one here in 1 Peter 4:12
Think it not strange concerning the fiery trial, which is to try you, but rejoice ..his glory is revealed, ye shall be glad with exceeding joy..
It has been said, The breath of the Holy Spirit into His new creation never makes a heart hard and insensitive, but affectionate, tender, and true.
For the Lords capacity for sympathy is greater still than that realm of suffering.
The mind can rack havoc when it comes
To Serving
To Sacrificing - giving until you give
To Suffering
Peter here is admonishing these weary, suffering believers to watch their minds.
Think it not!
Trials are God's way of
1. Preparing us:
What school did David attend that equipped him for the ministry he had upon the harp and song; a ministry of comfort and hope? No!
It was trials and persecution!
Trials that attacked and opposed the hope and faith he had in God.
Trials that moved him to call out to the God of Heaven, knowing that God hears his cries!
Trials that brought an answer which ignited the songs he penned!
Have you ever thought for every sorrow was a song?
One has said, If God's desire is to enlarge your capacity for spiritual understanding do not be afraid of the greater realm of suffering that awaits you.
2. Participating with us: (fellowshipping )
Partaker - Has been defined as One who has or takes a part, share or portion in common with others; a sharer; a participator; an affiliate or an associate.
Simeon is such an illustration of this.
As he was compelled to bear the cross, you did not see one without the other!
While going through things and expressing these things to the Lord, (as if he didn't know )I've had the Lord speak to my heart with these words, I know how you feel... suffering is a fellowship with others and HIM.
3. Protecting us:
The children of Israel were led a longer way through the wilderness, because of the dangers that lurked.
What seemingly was a curse and misfortune actually was a blessing from God. Years ago a golden friend said to me when I was stating to him what I was going through. He said Brother David the Lord is making something better out of you.
Rejoice suffering one, it will soon past.
Rev DN

I trust GOD - JR

A post from a Tennessee Pastor:

I trust God...and I wear my seatbelt.
I trust God...and I wear a motorcycle helmet.
I trust God...and there are enough life jackets in my boat for everyone on board.
I trust God...and I use oven mitts with really hot dishes.

I trust God...and I lock my house at night.

I trust God...and I have smoke detectors in my house.

I trust God...and I take my prescribed medicines.

I trust God...and I will follow the best guidelines to share the task of flattening the curve.
Acting with caution and wisdom does not indicate a lack of trust in God. ❤️

Rev JR

Do you have faith? or What kind of faith do you have? - DN

Then touched he their eyes, saying, According to your faith be it unto you.
Matthew 9:29
Do you have faith?
What kind of faith do you have?
Being a Christian connects us with wonderful resources.
1.) The Spirit's Indwelling:
At salvation I received more than forgiveness and a home in heaven. I received The comforter, the Holy Ghost, he took up his abode inside of me. This is his indwelling. My the wonder of it all, that he lives within me.
2.)The Savior's Access:
Another valuable asset is the privilege of having an open door to enter into his presence.
When Christ gave his life, the veil was rent from top to bottom, opening a new way. They who once stood afar, are now able to come and draw nigh.
3. )The Throne of Grace and Mercy:
A provision, in which its very essence is what we must have in our journey, Grace and Mercy.
4.) The Element of Faith: Thank God for Faith! Note some simple thoughts.
A. According to your Faith
A prerequisite - First things first, and the first step to be taken is that of faith. A thought, if the answer to my prayer is in accordance to my faith what are the chances of it being answered? How's your faith today? How's my faith today?
- Is it Great Faith:
- Is it in General Faith: you know, just enough to get you out of the boat like Peter in a place where you need great faith?
- Is it Gone: You just can not believe anymore.
B. Shall it be done
Faith is not just a Source, it's a Force.
My what a force available to those that choose to believe.
- Faith is a Principle to Receive
Faith will never work until we are willing to accept it and use it. Quit talking about it. BELIEVE.
- Faith is a Principle to Relate:
Faith is given for the purpose of using. It's not to be kept back in a box or on a shelve.
It's given to compare with the impending circumstances. It works no matter what you're facing.
(Years ago I was given a check for some work I had done. I was told to hold it for a while until they made sure there was enough money in the account to take care of it. The check was useless until they place more funds in the account. Faith is having the funds and means in the account 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. ( It is Walking up to the window at the bank and, telling the teller I need this cashed.)
C. To you:
You ever been left out of something?
To many serve a historical God. They talk of what God did for their parents and their parents. God is a not just a God of yesterday, he's a God of today. The promises made years ago are for you today.
I believe God is greater than these times we are in. Being honest, fear and concern shows itself during these times.
I want to believe, my family needs me to believe.The church that I serve needs to hear I believe.
My grandson said once, "if Papaw promises, he will do it "
Nothing within my power will keep me from doing what I promised him.
Child of God, Believe!!!!

Rev. DN

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

The God of our salvation - DS

Show me Your ways, O Lord;
Teach me Your paths.
Lead me in Your truth and teach me,
For You are the God of my salvation;
On You I wait all the day. Psalms 25:4-5
The God of my salvation

He will show you His way,
He will teach you His path,
He will Lead you in His truth.

First, we see David's personal prayer, to GOD as a source
David said as for me, personally, I will cry, I will pray to the LORD. A personal prayer to GOD his source of help. It was not of man's wisdom nor worldly wisdom, He asked it from GOD. It was not within himself, not David's own logic and experience, but from GOD.

Secondly we see David practical plan, GOD's way, as strategy
"teach me your path" There are many paths to take in our life. Career path, wealth path and family path, just to name a few. But for David, his practical path was to GOD. Here David's strategy was based on his history with GOD.  For HE had guided David as a Shepherd boy and he knew that he could use GOD's strategy in life.

Thirdly, we see David purposeful path, GOD's to seek
David said, LORD I want you to lead me in your truth.  Obliviously, GOD's way would be based on GOD"S words.  He will seek that purposeful path with GOD. David knew it and wanted to seek it. Led by the great hand of GOD. As GOD would lead, guide and direct. Although, it may not be a smooth path, perhaps rough and rocky, but David wanted GOD to Lead him, and I say "A-men !!" Would to GOD even I as the writer of this blog post could learn this for my life.

What GOD does is personal, for you
What GOD does is very practical, for you
What GOD does is purposeful, for you

The GOD of your salvation is calling you today, it's comparable to someone knocking at you home's front door, will you let Him in?? He's patiently waiting, why don't you call on Him today.

Rev. Dan

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Look up - DB

I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth. Ps. 121:1-2
Jesus sat on a hillside and taught a message that elevated and changed the world. Jesus died on a hilltop to save us from our sins. On a hill in Galilee, the disciples gathered and watched Jesus ascend into heaven. One day, we will look beyond the hills and see Jesus return in glory.
Whatever you face today, look up.

Rev. DB

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Consider the work of God - DN

Consider the Work of God: for who can make that straight, which he hath made crooked ? Ecclesiastes 7:13
From time to time we need to stand back and consider (dwell upon) the things that God has done. . These are His works as Solomon puts it.
Those things, which people that are a part of this process know it's the Lord that has done it. Some of the things that are done, one would have no problem believing it's the Lord; And then there are those events which can cause us to wonder, even forsake And peruse another way.

Sometimes his works accomplishes,
1. Comfort -
2. Conviction -
3. Chastening -
Here we find, God has made something crooked.
Who can make that straight,which he hath made crooked ?
Myself, having done something like, drawing a line or cutting a line, hanging a picture, and it ends up crooked. To me, it's a mess up, a mistake, something that was not my intention.
Here We find it being implied that God had a purpose for its existence, this crooked thing..
I will never forget being taught, these things in life are for Our Good and HIS Glory.
Your situation is filled with uncertainty and is very serious, but it is perfectly right. The reason behind it will more than justify Him who brought you here. It is a platform from which God will display His almighty grace and power.
He not only will deliver you but in doing so, will impart a lesson that you will never forget.

Take the time to look at that crooked thing, and see God in it..then thank him.
Show others, that life doesn't have to be perfect, without crooks for you to serve him.

Rev DN