Saturday, November 2, 2019

The Comforter - DN

The Comforter

John 14:16
Romans 8:26

It was a good day when I learned the Holy Spirit was not an it, but a person. He is very interested in us that are saved and even ministers to those that are lost.

It is my conviction, without his work in the heart of a person there will be no salvation or even real service after salvation.

Jesus promised his disciples prior to his departure, I'm going to send you another comforter. This comforter's identity is the Holy Spirit.
1. He Abides: He is in it for the long haul. Someone might say well I can't feel him and sense him,yet that does not mean he is not there.
2. He's Aware : the Scriptures states, he who searches our heart knows. When we don't know, He Knows!
... He helps and intercedes for us.

3. He Assists : when we do not know what to pray, he says it for us. Could it be we do our best praying when we feel it's our worse praying? ... He helps and intercedes for us.he helps us with our infirmities, he helps us with our prayers and he helps us with service.
4. He Agonizes :His intercessions are with groaning and words that we cannot express.
I am preaching on the Holy Ghost at the church. Here's a brief thought in which I am grateful for. Rest assure, we are not on this journey alone. We have a comforter and he's the Spirit of God,
Rev DN

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