Thursday, November 28, 2019

Thankful - KK

For a Savior who forgave me
For a wife who loves me
For children who bless me
For a church who supports me
For a calling that sustains me
For a home that shelters me
For parents who raised me
For a brother who helps me
For friends who encourage me
For health that enables me
For food that strengthens me
For the Spirit who empowers me
For the Bible that instructs me
For a vehicle that transports me
For clothes that warm me
For books that inspire me
For a hope that comforts me
For a peace that amazes me
For a heaven that awaits me
So much to thank Him for!

Happy Thanksgiving!!
Rev KK

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Discernment - AG

I Corinthians 2:15 But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man.
God’s people, those that are spiritual, exercise discernment. They take their concerns and ideas to the Lord to find His will. They check out their thoughts by the Spirit and the Word of God.
They are not making decisions based on what the world thinks. They are not concerned with the opinions of those that do not know God.
God’s people refuse to be pressed into this world’s mold. We do not accept their way of thinking. We do not adopt to them but seek to be directed by God through His Word.
The lost world can not understand this way of thinking. They see only what is in front of them. They do not see things from a higher point of view. Sex simply becomes a bodily urge. The lost world can not see God or His purpose in something that appears to be so natural.
So if you are born again, then let the Holy Spirit guide and direct your thoughts through the Word of God. Do not merely try to fit into a world that does not know God or love Him.
Rev AG

Power not talk - AG

Power not talk
I Corinthians 4:20 For the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power.
God’s work is not a matter of sophisticated words but the power of God. You don’t have to sound so impressive, but what is important is whether or not you live effectively what the Word teaches.
People know what they should be doing but refuse to do it. They can talk about it, but they will not walk it.
Instead of living what God teaches, they follow the world’s philosophy. They could talk, but their talk didn’t seem to be what they lived.
They talked about faith but didn’t live in faith. We must be filled with the Holy Spirit to experience His power in our lives.
Rev AG

Glory in the Lord not men - AG

Glory in the Lord not men
I Corinthians 3:21 Therefore let no man glory in men. For all things are yours;
The Lord Jesus is to be our glory. He is the One we are to boast in and on.
We get so hung up on personalities. We brag because we know someone. This early church was personality crazy. They had formed cliques around their heroes. I am of Paul, and others were of Apollos. This attitude does not come from the heart of God, nor is it the attitude He wanted them to have.
Then it seems that many today want to be sure to be highly rated among their brothers. There is not much of the idea that we are servants but rather that we should be served.
Here we have a command. Do not glory in people. Glory in the Lord. It is God that does the real work. Our glorying or boasting is foolish. It is like the hammer boasting about what it did or can do. The hammer is nothing without the hand of the knowledgable and capable carpenter. The tool can not boast of what the craftsman can do.
Rev AG

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

When Enough is not Enough - DN

When Enough is not Enough
2 Kings 13:17-19
This passage here has always caught my attention. How many could declare guilty ?
I) The Triumph at Hand: vs 17
Open the windows and shoot....THE ARROW OF THE LORD'S DELIVERANCE
When it comes to the enemy, I'm grateful that victory is possible.
You got to see it:
You got to want it:
To many stumble and fall at the hands of the enemy without they even firing a shot.
During the Vietnam War the Vietnamese through their booby traps and jungle tactics and many casualties had discouraged the heart of the American forces. They were having an enormous amount deaths without the American shoulders even seeing the enemy.
But Once they saw the enemy, and that they were not invincible, their moral heighten and the enemy suffered.
Seeing the enemy and having a plan is a must.
II) The Temptation at Hand: 17b-18
To Stop before its time to stop. For reasons unknown, the king stopped smiting the arrows to the floor after the third time.
Two suggestions on why this happen.
1. He didn't hear what the Prophet was saying. He heard but he didn't hear. Jesus often cried, he that hath an ear, let him hear. After preaching Sunday after Sunday, it's evident that many who listen are hearing, but yet not hearing.
2. He didn't have the Heart to keep smiting the floor. He thought it was enough.
This is the great curse of the end time church.
I've prayed enough
I've given enough
Ive read enough
Let me ask, when is enough, enough?
III) The Tragedy at Hand: 19
Although he saw some victory, he didn't see the victory he could have seen. Reckon what we are missing out on by not going beyond the limit.
I had a pastor that warned me as a young preacher many years ago. He said, at the Judgement Seat of Christ, when our works are placed in the fire, we will see the price of our laziness.
There will not be a soul then, who will not wish they had done better.
Rev DN

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Be still and know that I am God - DN

PSALMS 46:10
Be still and know that I am God
For that individual that's constantly on the move and busy about with the chores and adventures of life, stillness can be be a curse.
But for the child of God whose times are in Gods hand, it can be quite rewarding.
There comes a time when instead of being busy we must be still.
A wise old preacher told me once, before there will ever be a standing there must be sitting.
1. Stillness and knowing God are important.
2. Stillness and knowing God are inseparable.
3. Stillness and knowing God are inspirational.
My the help that's received by that servant who left the business of the crowd to still away and sit at the feet God.
Mary fell at his feet and said with tears and a broken heart, Lord if you'd been here, my brother would not have died!
He saw her tears and said, lets go get your brother!
That which you are after, that seems unreachable. In fact it has gone from bad to worse. Have you tried finding your place at the Lord's feet with tears?
The poet said it well,
Rev DN

Monday, November 18, 2019

The Forgotten Beatitude - DN

The Forgotten Beatitude
Blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me.(Luke 7:23)
I'm a bit hesitant to post some thoughts from my devotions this morning. Maybe it might be a help to someone.
Blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me.
Vance Havner referred to this as the forgotten beatitude.
The thought itself, bewilders me. Being offended in the one who gave so much to prove his love and interest for me.
I'm sad to say, I've had some times in which I've had some issues with Him. It might not have been His person but offended in His promises or path.
Have you ever been offended?
Some simple thoughts:
1. Christ is Aware of our Displeasure
2. There's no Containing it when one is Offended. The displeasure will reveal itself. I've walked up on people that were offended in me, and saw that something wasn't right.
3. There are answers for this plight.
a. Confess it, quit denying and acting like it doesn't exist.
b. Command it, show it who's in charge.
4. Cultivate a mindset to prevent this from happening. I'm talking about being offended in Christ.
Rev DN

Thursday, November 14, 2019

In Others History

In Romans History it was documented the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ,
In Greek History it was documented who Jesus was,
In Jewish history it has been documented Jesus as Son of God and  their rejection of Him,

And we should seek Him and Call on Him today!!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not unto your own understanding.
In all thy ways acknowledge him,
and he shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in your own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from evil. Proverbs 3:5-7

He is just a prayer away.

Your call / prayer to Him bids you to the Throne of God's grace. Once you are there enter in, speak, pray, ask to be saved.

In the morning

In the "morning" we are reminded of beautiful things about God:

His joy is new (Ps 30:5).

His faithfulness is new (Lam 3:23).

His justice is swift (Zeph 3:5).

His ears are open (Ps 88:13).

His will is revealed (Is 50:4).

His provision is ready (Mt 6:31–32).

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For this cause - DB

For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Eph. 3:14
For the cause of Christ, Paul bows his knees on the cold, damp prison floor and prays to God on behalf of the church at Ephesus.
For the cause of Christ, many around the world are persecuted today. Imagine one of them bowing in their prison cell and praying for us.
For this cause, Christ went to the cross. For this cause, Paul prayed. For this cause. many have given all. What will I give for the cause of Christ?
Rev DB

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

When we compare

When we compare ourselves with others, we may not look so bad.

But, when we compare ourselves with God, we must proclaim:

"I am nothing but dust." Abraham

"Behold, I am vile!" Job

"Woe to me! I am ruined!" Isaiah

"I am a sinful man!" Peter

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Friday, November 8, 2019

Three divines - KK

Divine compassion: He took my sins
Divine completion: He took my sins away
Divine consolation: He took my sins away forever.

Rev KK


The most constant enemy is inside of you; the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life. This enemy lives in one’s fallen nature. As children of God, if we walk in the Spirit, this enemy can be defeated.
Rev DW

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The ministry - DN

Just a few thoughts surrounding ministry.

In these many years of ministry I've discovered a few things.

1. Just when you think you know it all something happens and proves you don't.

2. The minister's eyes must remain on the reason you are ministering. This should be Jesus, for if you dont, you will quit.

3. The blessings far out weigh the burdens.

4. Jesus abideth faithful.

5. The blessing of the Lord it maketh rich.

Rev DN

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The Comforter - DN

The Comforter

John 14:16
Romans 8:26

It was a good day when I learned the Holy Spirit was not an it, but a person. He is very interested in us that are saved and even ministers to those that are lost.

It is my conviction, without his work in the heart of a person there will be no salvation or even real service after salvation.

Jesus promised his disciples prior to his departure, I'm going to send you another comforter. This comforter's identity is the Holy Spirit.
1. He Abides: He is in it for the long haul. Someone might say well I can't feel him and sense him,yet that does not mean he is not there.
2. He's Aware : the Scriptures states, he who searches our heart knows. When we don't know, He Knows!
... He helps and intercedes for us.

3. He Assists : when we do not know what to pray, he says it for us. Could it be we do our best praying when we feel it's our worse praying? ... He helps and intercedes for us.he helps us with our infirmities, he helps us with our prayers and he helps us with service.
4. He Agonizes :His intercessions are with groaning and words that we cannot express.
I am preaching on the Holy Ghost at the church. Here's a brief thought in which I am grateful for. Rest assure, we are not on this journey alone. We have a comforter and he's the Spirit of God,
Rev DN

Friday, November 1, 2019

502nd Reformation Day - ZW

On this 502nd Reformation Day, we commemorate the sovereign act of God in the use of a monk with a mallet to burst open the doors for the common man's access to and understanding of the Bible. Great doctrines weren't birthed out of the Reformation but were pointed to and lived in light of.
Why should we pay close attention to the Reformation? Many reasons, but one line in a familiar hymn sums it up. "Prone to wander, Lord I feel it. Prone to leave the God I love." Scripture alone! Grace alone! Faith alone! Christ alone! To the Glory of God alone! We need to be reminded or taught for the first time what the Gospel is all about. Martin Luther was a prominent character in the Reformation, but he wasn't the hero. 

Jesus Christ our Lord is king!

Soli Deo Gloria!

Rev. ZW



Are God’s way of adjusting the attitude of His children. He wants them to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. By yielding to His will, others will see Christ in you and glorify your Heavenly Father.