Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Three things that seem to hold my attention here - DN

 Moses my servant is dead; now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, thou, and all this people, unto the land which I do give to them, even to the children of Israel. Joshua 1:2

Sometimes, before God brings something in your life, he first will take something out.
In relation to Joshua here, it was Moses..

There were instructions to follow. You will never receive what the Lord has for you sitting back and thinking about the good old days.

Three things that seem to hold my attention here,
1. The Giver or the Blesser
This is his nature. The way some act you would think, God only takes, but not so. He brought them out of Egypt, to give..
When God birthed you in his family, it was not to deprive you, it was to bless and enrich you with heavenly treasures..
2. The Gift or the Blessing
I love the way our King James Bible is written..
It doesn't read, I will give them, but I do give them.
A. A Promise Blessing: I do give
B. A Present Blessing: today
Some things are by faith, we trust Him and he then gives accordingly and in time.
Now, we know there are things waiting us, but there are things that God has for us now.
3. The Given: or the Blessed:
To them, even the Children of Israel
It wasn't for a particular one, such as
The Tribe of Levi or the Tribe of Judah. To qualify for this blessing you just had to be a included in the Children of Israel.

There are things that have been given unto us!

Because I am a part of Gods family, I am included in the blessings of he Father.

My momma use to say, as long as I have it, you have it.
You rest assure today, as long as God has it, you have it.

But my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory, by Christ Jesus. Phillipians 4:19

Rev DN

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