Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Hey I'm glad he came! - DN

If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no cloke for their sin. John 15:22
In my devotions this morning, on this Christmas Day, a somber truth grip my heart. The human race has always been in great trouble. In its depravity, it seems as if we are sinking deeper and deeper. The answear to mans need was Christ coming That starry night in Bethlehem.
In Frank Capra 's classic " It's a Wonderful Life " George Bailey thought life and family would be better off without him. While thinking about suicide and through a process, he entered a world where he never existed.The effect it had on his family, friend and future.
Because of a divine visitor, he came to the conclusion, just how blessed he really was.
This year at Christmas time, I have watch and listen to people. And to hear them you would think, they didn't even know that CHRIST came into the WORLD.
After preaching a while back, I mention from the pulpit, The Claus wasn't real.You would have thought I cussed or blasphemed or something. ( A dad came to me and said, It was all good until you said what you said about ... He said, I was wondering how I was going to explain to his child what I had said.. I thought, "Tell her the Truth "
This has always been a part of our world, but now it's become a part of our churches..
They act as if Christ had not Come into the World...
Lets take a moment and ponder this truth, What if Christ had not Come
Paul in Ephesians 2:12 alluded to this truth, "without him or being in a world without Him "
1. We would be without Promises: Ep 2:12a
2. We would have no Prospect: 2:12b (having no hope )
3. We would be without Peace: Ephesians 2:14 (he is our peace )
4. We would have no Priest: Ep. 2:14( a go between) He hath reconciled us to God
5.) We would have no Pathway: Ep 2:18 (he is our access )
Hey I'm glad he came!
....they shall call his name Emmanuel, which is being interpreted God with US
Rev DN

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