Monday, January 21, 2019

Finishing with Joy - REVDN

Finishing with Joy
Acts 20:24 But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God.
I love the Apostle Paul.
He's responsible for much of the New Testament.
Paul's life was marked by Great Success. Yet, it was also overshadowed with great Suffering.
This is true for every great soldier and servant of God.
Ask Joseph
Ask Job
Ask Jesus
In fact Jesus said, if we are going to follow him, we must deny ourselves and take up the cross.
Here in this passage, several things seem to capture my mind. It helps us to look into the endeavors of God's great apostle.
I. A Goal: so that I might finish my course with joy. It wasn't just finishing, but doing it with joy!
The sad commentary of many, is that they act as if the don't want to finish.
2. A Gift: He said he had received this ministry from the Lord. He embraced it as a gift. You think our days and steps in service to the Lord would better if we looked at it as a gift instead of a burden or battle? And It is a burden and battle at times )
3. A Game Plan:
Borrowing an analogy from the sport's world, it's not being in the game that takes home the prize, it's how you play the game that enables you finish with joy.
In the opening part of this passage, he gave us the key to his finishing with joy.
He said, none of these things moved me,
neither counted he his life dear unto hisself.
( looking in the preceding verses)
He list humility of mind, many tears and temptations, the lying in wait of the Jews ....
Many will never complete our goal with joy, because we think too much of ourselves.
How dear is your life to yourself?
How are you finishing up?

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