Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Seeing what you Missed - DN

Seeing what you Missed

My devotion today ended up the last chapter of Deuteronomy.

Moses God's deliverer dies without entering the promise land. God lets him see it but with sobering words states, you can not go in. 
My what a tragic end to what started out as a victorious achievement. When I read this My the emotion that captured my heart. It's tragedy in epic proportion. May we with utmost care guard our endeavors, motives and ministry. 
How do you go from hearing the voice of God from a burning bush, seeing the glory on the Mount of God, being Gods select servant in bringing Gods people out of a land of bondage to a place with milk and honey, only to hear said, I have cause you to see it, but you cannot enter in. 
My the lessons to learn,
Some simple thoughts or lessons to learn.
It wasn't that God was less God in the end as He was when He started with Moses.
The Plan is to do it as Gods says do it,and He will take care of the rest.
It's not how you start that will be remembered.
You can see what you Miss!
Moses saw the promise land but was refused entrance. How in the world could something like this happen to such a one
1. Moses Saw what he Missed due to his Temper - he smote the rock instead of speaking because he was angry.
2. Lot saw what he Missed because of his Treasure Seeking
3. The Saved will see what they've Missed by the Trying of Fire - judgement seat
4. The Rich man saw what he missed by Turning Christ away
Preaching on this in a church near you!!
Rev DN

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