Wednesday, October 31, 2018

The Comforter -DN

The Comforter
John 14:16
Romans 8:26
It was a good day when I learned the Holy Spirit was not an it, but a person. He is very interested in us that are saved and even ministers to those that are lost. 
It is my conviction, without his work in the heart of a person there will be no salvation or even real service after salvation. 
Jesus promised his disciples prior to his departure, I'm going to send you another comforter. This comforter's identity is the Holy Spirit.
1. He Abides: He is in it for the long haul. Someone might say well I can't feel him and sense him,yet that does not mean he is not there. 
2. He's Aware : the scriptures states, he who searches our heart knows, when we don't know, He Knows!
... He helps and intercedes for us.
3. He Assists : when we do not know what to pray, he says it for us. Could it be we do our best praying when we feel it's our worse praying? ... He helps and intercedes for us.he helps us with our infirmities, he helps us with our prayers and he helps us with service.
4. He Agonizes :His intercessions are with groanings and words that we cannot express.
Rev DN

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

A Failure, a fact & a feature - DN

Prayer in Jesus's Name
Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name:ask and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.
John 16:24
My how this verse spoke to my heart this morning. In my simple way of thinking some thoughts we find here in this verse.
1.) A Failure: hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name.
Out of all my failures, the most costly and common are those involving prayer.
A.) Invitation is given:Jeremiah 33:3
Call unto me and I will answer thee !
It seems at time all my praying is asking, yet this is what the Father wants us to do!
B.) Instruction Is giving: (we could say how to get the most from your prayers )
It's not just important that we pray, but how we pray.The factor that gains the attention of the Father is that name above all names, JESUS!
Joh 16:23 Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you.
2.) A Fact: ask and ye shall receive. ( not maybe but shall receive )
Prayer in HIS NAME Works today!
A.)Simple Fact: It doesn't take a genius to figure out what is being stated.
To be honest I don't know how to pray as I should, but I know how to ask.
Strong's states, to ask means, to beg, call for, crave, desire, require.
B.)Sure Fact: ye shall Receive:
3.) A Feature: that your joy may be full
There is nothing in all the world that will ever bring delight like receiving the things we have prayed for.
This illustration was taken from the devotional today. It was such a blessing to me, thought I would share it with you.

During the American Civil War, a certain man had a son who enlisted in the Union army. The father was a banker, and although he gave his consent to his son, it seemed as if it would break his heart to let him go.
Once his son had left, he became deeply interested in the plight of soldiers, and whenever he saw one in uniform, his heart went out to him as he thought of his own dear boy. Often to the neglect of his business, he began spending his time and money to care for the soldiers who came home disabled. His friends pleaded with him not to neglect his business in this way, by spending so much time and energy on the soldiers. So he decided to give it all up, taking his friends' advice.
After he had made this decision, however, a young private in a faded, worn uniform stepped into the bank. It was easy to discern from the wounds on his face and hands that he had been in the army field hospital. The poor young man was fumbling in his pocket to find something, when the banker saw him. Perceiving his purpose for coming into the bank, he said to the soldier, "My dear man, I cannot help you today. I am extremely busy. You will have to go to the army headquarters, where the officers will take care of you."
The poor wounded soldier still stood there, not seeming to fully understand what was being said to him. He continued to fumble in his pockets and finally pulled out a scrap of dirty paper. He laid the filthy page before the banker, who read the following words written in pencil:
Dear Father,
This is one of my friends, who was wounded in the last battle and is coming to you directly from the hospital. Please receive him as you would me.
All the banker's previous resolve to focus solely on his business instead of soldiers quickly flew away. He took the young man to his own magnificent home and gave him Charlie's room and seat at the dinner table. He cared for him until the food, rest, and love had returned him to health, and then sent him back to his place of service to again risk his life for his country's flag. selected




The fear of the Lord - DB

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction. Pr. 1:7
Have you ever met someone who knew everything? At one time or another, many of us have suffered from this condition. It tends to leave us with an inflated sense of self-importance and an unpleasing arrogance toward others.
The truth is we do not know everything. Our search for knowledge begins as we humbly reverence God and His Word. It is only in this position that we can fully appreciate the glory and greatness of our Creator.




Tuesday, October 23, 2018

When you don't understand - DN

i ask the Lord to speak to my heart this morning. Simply because I needed to hear his voice! This is what He gave me,

I Kings 8:56 Blessed be the Lord, that hath given rest unto his people Israel, according to all that he promised: there hath not failed one word of all his good promise, which he promised by the hand of Moses his servant.
1. The Lord is Adorned: blessed be the Lord
He is worthy of praise!
2. The Lord has Achieved: hath given rest unto his people
3. The Lord has Accomplished: he had promised and kept his Word. Every bit of it!
What has he said to you today? Has he given you a word, a promise. Trust Him!
When the frosts are in the valley,
And the mountaintops are gray,
And the choicest blooms are blighted,
And the blossoms die away,
A loving Father whispers,
"This all comes from my hand";
Blessed are you if you trust
When you cannot understand.
If, after years of toiling,
Your wealth should fly away
And leave your hands all empty,
And your hair is turning gray,
Remember then your Father
Owns all the sea and land;
Blessed are you if you trust
When you cannot understand.
Rev DN

What the Bible says

The bible says,

God Loves you,

God Forgives you,

God Accepts your,

Trust God today.

Understand, and you will see the world in a whole new way.


Thursday, October 18, 2018

our faith in Him - DB

And he believed in the Lord; and he counted it to him for righteousness. Gen. 15:6
Abraham is old and childless. God comes to him and tells him he will have a child and his descendants will be as numerous as the stars in heaven. And he believed in the Lord and his faith was counted unto him as righteousness.
When we place our faith in the Lord it is counted unto us as righteousness. Abraham did not place his trust in himself or his on ability, but in the one who promised.

Likewise, the righteousness of Christ is imputed unto us when we place our faith in Him.

Rev DB

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Lost sheep only -TG

Let us muse again today from Matthew 15:24 and the them of  Jesus the king.

When our Lord  ends His silence  to this lady He speaks directly to His disciples when He said I have come to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. He is stating a fact that He is come to minister only to the lost sheep, lost sheep only. She knows that she is not one of His sheep, most would have left with nothing, but not her. She doubles down on her pleading her case, she refuses to be denied.

Let us learn some lessons about perseverance in prayer from this great story.

Rev TG

Christian Advice from a Tree

Christian Advice from a Tree:
• Stand tall  - so stand in the Lord
• Go out on a limb, Go in Jesus name
• Remember your roots, Abide in Jesus Jn. 15
• Be content in the Lord
• Enjoy the view that's to come.

see the Bible for many lessons at the trees

Adam's tree Gen.3

Moses tree Exo. 15

David's tree Psa.1

Zacchæus Tree Luke 19

(just to name a few)

Jesus tree (the cross)

Rev DanSam

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

He is the Creator - AG

He is the Creator
Jeremiah 51:15 He hath made the earth by his power, He hath established the world by his wisdom, And hath stretched out the heaven by his understanding.
There is no way you believe the Bible if you do not think that God literally created the earth. Notice this verse in the book of Jeremiah. It explicitly declares that He made the earth by His power. He did it all. He is the Creator. That is what gives Him the right to rule and judge the world.
You are the creation of another. You belong to Him. He calls on you to believe in Him and trust Him. He loves you and died in your place.
Will you trust Him today??
Rev AG

Restore one - DB

Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness. Gal. 6:1
When a Christian brother or sister stumbles in their walk with Christ, we are to help restore them to their place of fellowship and service in the House of God. We are to act with a spirit of meekness, realizing that any of us can find ourselves overtaken in a fault.
Being part of the family of God makes us accountable to one another. We should pray for each other and when necessary admonish one another in love. We should never gossip about one another or do anything to hinder or discourage a brother or sister in Christ.

 It is always God’s will to restore his children not destroy them.

 Rev DB

Monday, October 15, 2018

Self esteem - DB

For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself. Gal. 6:3
Self esteem is often a gift a child receives from his parents. We cheer them on at every endeavor and praise them for the smallest accomplishments. We do this because we want them to have a favorable opinion about themselves. We want them to value themselves because we value them so highly.
Similarly, we receive our sense of value from our Heavenly Father. We can know that we are prized and loved because of what Jesus did for us on the cross. Apart from Christ we are lost and undone, but in Christ we are brought into fellowship with God.

 It is good to recognize one’s value in the eyes of Jesus.

Rev DB

Thursday, October 11, 2018

7 Things I Ponder

7 Things I Ponder When Life Is Slow.

Psalm 4:1-8 text vs 6
There be many that say, Who will shew us any good?
Lord, lift thou up the light of thy countenance upon us.

1. My life is His.

2. My prayers are heard.

3. My God is able.

4. My holiness is a must.

5. My heart needs work.

6. My actions need paused.

7. My trust is in the Lord.

REV Reeves

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Seeing what you Missed - DN

Seeing what you Missed

My devotion today ended up the last chapter of Deuteronomy.

Moses God's deliverer dies without entering the promise land. God lets him see it but with sobering words states, you can not go in. 
My what a tragic end to what started out as a victorious achievement. When I read this My the emotion that captured my heart. It's tragedy in epic proportion. May we with utmost care guard our endeavors, motives and ministry. 
How do you go from hearing the voice of God from a burning bush, seeing the glory on the Mount of God, being Gods select servant in bringing Gods people out of a land of bondage to a place with milk and honey, only to hear said, I have cause you to see it, but you cannot enter in. 
My the lessons to learn,
Some simple thoughts or lessons to learn.
It wasn't that God was less God in the end as He was when He started with Moses.
The Plan is to do it as Gods says do it,and He will take care of the rest.
It's not how you start that will be remembered.
You can see what you Miss!
Moses saw the promise land but was refused entrance. How in the world could something like this happen to such a one
1. Moses Saw what he Missed due to his Temper - he smote the rock instead of speaking because he was angry.
2. Lot saw what he Missed because of his Treasure Seeking
3. The Saved will see what they've Missed by the Trying of Fire - judgement seat
4. The Rich man saw what he missed by Turning Christ away
Preaching on this in a church near you!!
Rev DN


Israel is rated sixth in world health care efficiency. The United States is on the bottom half of the health care efficiency list.
Israel has the highest health care efficiency in the Middle East. God gives them medical knowledge and wisdom for enhancing their health care system. Jewish people have many innovative health care practices that promote health care for the citizens of Israel. The average life expectancy in Israel is 82.5. Their life expectancy is among the highest in the world. Israel’s numerous health care inventions continue to benefit people across the world.
Even though Israel has many enemies who want to harm the Jews, God often protects their individual health. In comparison to Gentiles, Jews have obeyed God’s Word more faithfully throughout time. In the future, the whole nation of Israel will come to Jesus the Saviour. It is God who blesses Israel with great health! In Heaven, everyone there will have perfect health.
Those who want good health should always try to obey God’s Word, the Bible. But, of course, bad health sometimes comes for other reasons known to God. Since believers are the temple of God, it is our responsibility to take care of our own body’s health. Do not defile our body with sinful habits. Practicing sin can lead to bad health, including ulcers.
Kind words to others are like a miraculous healing medicine for your own body and soul.
Proverbs 4:20-27 “My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart. For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh. Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. Put away from thee a froward mouth, and perverse lips put far from thee. Let thine eyes look right on, and let thine eyelids look straight before thee. Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established. Turn not to the right hand nor to the left: remove thy foot from evil.”
Proverbs 16:24 “Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.

Time for prayer - KK

When God draws your attention to the needs and calamities of others, it is His call for you to pray. Oftentimes when we see others failing, hurting, or mourning we tend to rationalize their grief. We like to analyze and estimate why they are going through what they are going through. We even like to give suggestions on how they should go through what they are going through. But have you ever considered that, possibly, God has illuminated their affliction in your heart, not for you to be critical, but rather to be prayerful?
The anguish of others is your opportunity to meet God on their behalf, and in meeting God on their behalf you have bettered your circumstance and opportunity with God for you have entered into His presence. You see, recognizing the needs of others is something the harshest of critics can do. But when you intercede on behalf of others, you elevate your spiritual standing in the heavenlies.
I have discovered in my own life, when I make it a habit to lift up people before God it is harder to tear them down before men. If God grants you the opportunity to see the hardship of others, it may very well be an extended grace for you to enter His throne room for a season of prayer.
Rev KK

Monday, October 8, 2018

William Tyndale

482 years ago today (October 6, 1536), William Tyndale, a man to whom you owe more than you'll ever know, was burned alive at the stake for translating the Bible into English. The fact that you have a Bible in our language is largely due to his labors, and many of the very phrases you read in it retain the flavor of his understanding of the Greek and Hebrew. (MM)
Image may contain: 1 person

The Greatest Gift - DB

Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk. Acts 3:6
The man was born lame and laid at the gate called Beautiful that he might receive alms. Peter and John saw him and felt compassion for him. While they had no money, they had something very precious to give him - the name of Jesus
This verse was the text of a great sermon I heard yesterday. from a Brother preacher reminded us every Christian has something to give.

The greatest gift we can share is the name of Jesus.

Rev DB

Saturday, October 6, 2018

He met Him there - DB

And he built there an altar, and called the place El-bethel: because there God appeared unto him. Gen. 35:7
Bethel means “the house of God.” Jacob called the place he was going Bethel because it was there he first met the Lord.
When he returned to Bethel, God appeared unto him and Jacob called the place El-bethel which means “The God of the house of God.” It was not the place Jacob sought, but the God he met there. 

Revival begins when we seek the Lord.

Rev DB

Friday, October 5, 2018

It will be Worth it All - DN

It will be Worth it All
Job 42:12
Jobs life was marked by many things. 
a. Success
b. Suffering
c. Satanic Activity
d. Sovereignty
There was someone in control greater than Job, his friends and the devil.
I) His Encounter
You are one test away. Reckon how you would do?
1. Without Explanation
2. Without Reasoning
3. Without Consideration
4. Without Approval: God didn't even as Job permission to use him to prove something to the devil.
II) His Endeavor:
1. Make sense of it all
2. Maintain his Faith
God gave Job glimpses of his future glory, for in those weary and difficult days and nights, he was allowed to penetrate God's veil and could honestly say, "I know that my Redeemer lives" (Job 19:25).
III) His End
42:12 So the LORD blessed the latter end of Job more than his beginning:
Rev DN

Thursday, October 4, 2018











Rev JA

Thankful saved & serving - AS

I am so thankful for that Saturday night in 1985, at Kmart in Conyers, Ga., when I repented of my sins and the Lord Jesus Christ saved my soul! I have chosen to serve the Lord (v.15)!

I am asking the Lord to give me at least twenty more years of health and a sound mind to serve Him as the Pastor of Berean Baptist church (that would make me about 76 at that time), making a difference with His Gospel in Atlanta and the world. I hope and pray that I will always stick to the Book, the old King James Bible, and never "forsake the LORD, and serve strange gods" (v.20) during what time I have left in this world. 
He has been so good to me. He has given me a beautiful, loving and caring wife that has stood with me for the last 35 years. He has given me three wonderful children that are saved and serving the Lord, looking to Him for guidance and trusting Him for their lives. He allowed my family and I to serve Him and live on the mission field in Germany for 9 years where we met some really great people that we are still friends with today. He also has allowed me to serve Him in the office of Pastor for the last 11 years.

Do you know him as your Savior? You can! Confess your sins and ask Him to save you today!

Rev AS