Monday, February 26, 2018

What is in your heart?

What is in your heart?

II Chronicles 6:7 Now it was in the heart of David my father to build an house for the name of the LORD God of Israel.

Solomon knew what his dad so profoundly desired. David, Solomon’s dad, had wanted to build a house to the name of the Lord God of Israel. He had wanted to honor his God. The son knew what his dad wanted and dreamed of doing with his life.

Now Solomon is fulfilling his dad’s dream. The house, the temple of God, is built. God is to be honored, glorified, and worshipped. It wasn’t about David or Solomon’s name but the name of the Lord God of Israel.

I see two beautiful truths illustrated in this verse. One, your children know what you love. They know if you adore God with all of your heart. They know if that is what you think, dream, and work to accomplish. The second thing is that God might not allow me to do what I dream of but just might permit me to be a bridge to others to help them accomplish something so great.

Solomon built the temple his dad dreamed of building. Solomon used materials his dad had prepared. Solomon’s name will be associated with the temple, but I do not think that bothered David. David just wanted to see the temple built for the Lord God. It was never about David.

What is in your heart? What would your children say? Are you helping others accomplish things you might never achieve because you are working for the greater glory of God instead of yourself?


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